Chapter 4

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"Are you expecting anyone?" I asked already making my way to the door and pulling it open. I was met with a gust of wind that and the figure of a man who stood outside the door with his back turned to me

"What took you so long to answer the door, Blake, I can't believe that you were going to let an old man like me freeze out here in the cold." The man said with a smile splayed on his face at the sound of the door being opened. I watched as surprise filled up his eyes, but the steady smile remained as he realized that I wasn't Blake.

"Hello sir, can I help you?" I asked feeling surprised to see someone else here.

"Hello there, my you're a pretty one aren't you, I wonder how Blake got his hands on you." The man said letting himself in.

"Hello Killian, I didn't expect to see you again so soon." Blake said with happiest smile that I had seen him have since I met him yesterday.

"Blake old boy, what have you done to yourself?" The man that I could now identify as Killian asked looking at Blake with shock as he gazed at his bandaged thigh and his lifted ankle.

"I don't know myself." He said looking at himself from his laying down position.

"And this is why I'm always telling you that you need a phone. You could have called me to look at it for you."Killian said not seeming impressed.

"I know, but you know that I don't really want to be connected to the world at the moment." He replied.

He let out a sigh and hung down his head for second before he picked it up and turned around to face me with a smile of gratitude on his face, "Thank you for taking care of him for me. I'm assuming that you are the one that took care of him?"

"More like tried to actually." I said with a nervous laugh.

"She's just being modest, yes she helped me." Blake voiced out.

"I'm guessing that you just looked over his wound?" Killian asked pointing over to Blake.

"Yes, I don't really know much if anything about medicine but I do think that he might need stitches so I was actually thinking of going out and going to find a safe way down so that I could take him to the hospital." I said with a frown wishing that I could help him more.

"I'll look over it in a sec," He said. I'm sure that he could see the unsurety on my face because with a small chuckle he continued, "He's in good hands, I'm a doctor.

I slowly nodded showing my attention.

"Alright I'll be back in a second, I'm just going to get my equipment." Killian said making his way out the door.

"He seems nice." I said breaking the silence that had suddenly settled around us.

"He really is." Blake replied with a small smile as he pulled himself up to a sitting position.

"You should really lay down." I said rushing off and gently pushing him back down.

"But my upper body isn't hurt." He whined making me look at him in amusement.

"Doesn't matter." I responded just as the door was pushed open.

"It's pretty cold out there." He said pushing the door closed and walking over with a medical bag and what I assume to be his doctor's bag and making his way over to Blake, "You must be freezing in here."

"It is a little chilly but nothing too bad." I said to Killian, who turned around and looked at me with a raised eyebrow that showed me that he was unconvinced.

"If you say so. You know I didn't catch your name earlier on." Killian said turning back around and and unbandaging Blake's bandage.

"I'm Annabelle Clark, sir." I introduced taking a seat on one of the chairs.

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