I would commit a crime for you

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"I would commit a crime for you"
That's what I used to say
When my heart was beating just for you
And I was thinking about you everyday.

"I would commit a crime for you"
That's what I used to say
But you didn't listen to me anyway
So why bother...?

"I would commit a crime for you"
My heart was chained, I was your slave
I thought that's what you wanted
But it wasn't enough for you...

"I would commit a crime for you"
That's what I used to say
But could you do the same for me?
I guess I'll never know...

"I would commit a crime for you"
You know I used to say this
But is it true in fact?
We'll see...

"I would commit a crime for you"
I say it all over again,
Out loud and in my head
As I'm reaching for the gun...

"I would commit a crime for you"
a lifeless body in a puddle of blood
But I'm so calm, and happy and free
I guess it was worth it after all.

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