Pleasure to meet you, Six

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Hey there! Good day! Here is the first chapter of the week. I hope you enjoy it!.

(Two weeks after the firefight in the port).

I'm wake up by a noise at the other side of my door. I stare at the door and start doubting if there's was really a noise. I look at my nightstand and grab my phone and look at the hour.

(05 : 21)

Then I heard the noise again. Someone is knocking on my door.

- coming. I say. I sigh and stand up. I walk to the door and open it. There was a white woman with green eyes and brown long hair. It was shaved in the left side. She was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and a blue jean. The sleeve of her shirt were rolled up above her elbows. Shoving her arms with tattoos.

- Zoey!! I say with a smile.

Zoey smiles "Hey!".

We hug for a moment. Zoey Langley, I met her three years ago in western Russia. During operation fearless lion. She was kidnapped by the PMCs because of her hacking skills. I found her with my team in a safehouse in the outside of Smolenks. She helped us to capture Sania Petrenko. After that we have been close enough to consider that I consider her my sister.

She breaks apart and she keeps her smile.

- how long has it been? Four months? I ask.

- three actually. And a week.

- is being a long time, come on. Get inside. I step aside and she enters.

- you just arrived from Germany right?

- yeah. Just twenty minutes ago. I came her to say hi. But there's another thing. One important. I noticed that she isn't smiling anymore and have a serious expression.

- I'm listening.

- here. She gives me a paper. And there's a CIA logo in the upper left part of the page.

- Someone with the name of Six asked for your file in the CIA. The apartment didn't gave them your file because the only one who can declassify your file is General Walker. And that only because you're a NATOSF operator.

- do you know who is this Six?

- I was going to ask you the same. I tried to investigate but I don't have the sufficient security clearance. And this Six seems to be someone with a high security clearance because not even Colonel Sanders could get information about them.

- shit...

- I know. Do you have any idea who this Six might be?

- I don't know anyone with that name. If it is someone I know then they changed their name. But no, no idea.

- hmmm. I will see if I can investigate a little further somehow.

- but you just arrived.           She starts exit the room.

- so? Besides. This got my curiosity.

- you're detective now?

- yes, I'm. Now stay out of trouble.

- can't promise that.             She slightly punch my shoulder. "Stupid".

And she hugs me again. " we will talk later. I have to take care of something ".

- alright, See you.               She smiles again and leave.

I look at the CIA notification from the request of my personal file.

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