First deployment

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- Operator Morel, please report to the briefing room please. When I heard Six voice I knew that the good stuff was coming. My first mission in Rainbow.

I walk from the Psychology apartment to the briefing room. I saw the door open and I step inside the room. Six was in the front of the room. Beside a big TV. There was a small desk in front of her with some papers. I see Six looking a file in her hand.

- Ma'am. I call her and when she turns to look at me I salute her.

- Morel. At ease. Please take a seat.

- Of course. I walk to one of the front chairs and take a seat. "What do you need me for ma'am?".

- I called you here for your first mission. Let me fill you in.

Soon the light of the room turns off and the TV turn on, showing a map of Paris.

- Remember when I told you that we're expecting a big attack from the white mask?

- indeed I remember.

- well. Just ten minutes we got this information. It was detected an Unusual and suspicious activity in Paris. Intelligence detected a lot of cargo trucks going in and out from this warehouse. The warehouse was bought by a unknown subject. There's no information about this place. Tow minutes ago. We received this photo and a confirmation about hostile activity.

Six changes the image and shows me a photo taken from a elevated position. There's three black SUV and sixteen men all dressed in black. All of them with different weapons. In the middle there's three men. Two of them shaking hands.

- oh yeah. Nothing suspicious. What a way to not call the attention.

- you're right. But the photo was taken from a textile building. Also there's no information about this place. The agent who took the photo said that the places was guarded by some armed men. And the place was empty. Our guess is that whoever that runs the warehouse bought the building to keep away unwanted attention.

- okay. But, why do you think this guys are white mask? They can be a mafia. What proves that this guys are actually terrorists.

- glad you asked. Two months ago we have been following the white mask activity in Paris. A French agent managed to put a tracker in one of those trucks. At first this truck was just doing civilian work. Transporting food to one place to another. But now we located the same truck in that warehouse. The same truck that this French agent saw in a old white mask base.

- hmm. Now everything is taking form now. So what's the insertion method?

- you will be taken to Paris in a helicopter. Then you will go to the location. Infiltrate the warehouse and find anything valuable to us. Files, flash drives. You know the deal.

- that's it? What about the mask? Do I have authorization to engage?

- you do. But be careful. There's civilians in that warehouse. Two hundred in total. We don't know who is involved with the white mask.

- is there any blueprints or photos that can help me?

- only photos taken from the outside with a drone. That's one of the things I was saying before. There's nothing about this location. We couldn't even find who's the buyer or the blueprints. Let me show you the photos.

Six show me twelve photos of the warehouse. All in different angles.

There's the perimeter wall. To the left side there's a open area with a lot of crates and some containers. In the middle there's a large roof covering other merchandise. To the right side is the main building. A three floor administrative building. I can see some cameras in different locations.

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