Powder Trail

30 2 0

(Two weeks later after last chapter)

(4 miles to the east of Casablanca, Morocco).
(10 : 12).

- Zofia. What's your status? --- Six's comms to the team lead by Zofia.
Zofia was in town when she was asked to get back to base for an emergency briefing. Six notify her that Midnight's team went to a mission in Morocco to investigate a lead that they got from Hibana in her previous mission. The Intel made believe Six that a meeting was set in a village not far away from Casablanca. So she sent Midnight to the village. He and his team. Blackbeard, Valkyrie, Nomad and Maverick. They reached the village and set up their observation position. But something went wrong and they radio in to Six to ask for an extraction. But it failed. None of them reached the extraction and they got separated in the fight. Now Zofia was tasked to rescue them. She choose to take Doc, Buck, Tachanka and Glaz.

- We're nearly there. Any update on the others?

- Valkyrie informed that she is in a shack just 1 Mike ahead of your position. Midnight last know location was in the village.

- there's still no update on him?

- negative... His tracker shows his location is in downtown inside a house. I've trying to contact him but he doesn't answer.

The information made both of them to stay quiet for a moment. The same thought crossed their minds but that would be the worst case scenario.

-  I will keep contacting him. I will let you know if I get something.

- copy that. Zofia out.

Zofia jogged through the scorched dunes of Morocco. 26,3° centigrade. The sweat ran down her forehead to her shin. She cleans a drop of sweat that was on her eye brow and looks to her left to see Tachanka without his helmet. The hot made the old ex soviet to take off his steal helmet that made him feel that he wore a hot pan in his head.

- We're almost there team. We should see the Shack when we get to the top of the dune.

They went up the dune. Glaz looked around through his sight to check that everything was clear. Then they moved to the shack. Normally used by local travelers to rest a little from the long trips so they could keep going on.

The team saw Maverick and Nomad show up at the front of the shack to greet them. They looked tired, stressed. Bloodshot eyes and that look on their faces that you could tell they just went through a difficult situation.

- Guys. How's everything? --- Buck asks them when he approached them

Maverick looked at Nomad, who didn't show the intention to answer the question.

- Thing are complicated, Buck.  Really bad. --- said the Bostonian to the Canadian. "Let's just get inside to discuss this".

- Yes we should do that. We have to move fast and deal with the situation before is too late. --- Zofia intervenes in the conversation and walks pass them.

She enters the shack and see a lot of carpets of different colors inside the shack to make it comfortable. Blackbeard and Valkyrie are seated beside a wooden table. They have the same look as Nomad and Buck. Blackbeard as a bandage around his left elbow and Valkyrie a patch in her left cheek.

- Zofia. --- Says Blackbeard when he sees her enter. "Is good to have you here. We needed some assistance".

- So I heard.

The rest of the team gets inside the shack. Nomad seats on the floor and Buck leans against the wall. The other's stand facing the others with the exception of Glaz who's keeping an eye in the surroundings.

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