Oscar Piastri [Slow Dance]

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A/N Wished by archivebooks I hope you like it! Struggled a bit with this one because I didn't know how to properly describe them dancing but I think the result is still a good one (:

TAGLIST: LilyHeseltineNew aleepiastri_ Airwaveee Mi1234ll Guineapig98 smallmonsterr

WORDS: 1136

[37]- Your body fits perfectly with mine while dancing
[67]- I never actually uhm...dated anyone before

Having a picnic on the beach while watching the sun slowly set, painting the sky in some beautiful colours seems like a dream but it is what I just experienced with Oscar. He asked me if I want to spend the evening with him and for a split second, I thought he is asking me out for a date but then all of my grey thought came back, reminding me that he is probably searching for a more experienced girlfriend.

I still said yes, trying to spend as much time as possible with Oscar before he is busy flying trough the world again. Even if this is not a date it was still a beautiful evening. After the picnic and the sunset, we watched, sitting close together, the warmth of the sun disappeared making it quite chilly at the beach and we decide to walk back to Oscar's car.

We are walking for a couple of minutes already when Oscar suddenly stops and places the picknick basket on the sand. Confused I look at him because I do not know why he stopped or what is happening now. We are not wearing shoes, so he is definitely not stopping to tie his shoelaces.

"Can I have this dance?" Oscar asks me after he had taken a deep breath and now, he holds his hand out in my direction, waiting for me to take his hand. He wants to dance with me? Suddenly this looks and feels even more like a date, and I do not know how to react.

"But there is no music Os." Is my nervous answer and I brush a loose strand of hair behind my ear, trying to figure out why Oscar wants to dance with me right here where only the moon spends us some light, dipping the sand into a silver lightning.

"Give me a second." Oscar grabs into the pocket of his pants, grabbing his phone before he unlocks it and scrolls trough Spotify until he manages to find the perfect music. Some soft music perfect for slow dancing is playing, being the only sound paired with the soft movement of the waves. Again, Oscar holds out his hand, waiting for me to take it and after a deep breath I decide to give it a go.

"I can't dance." I giggle but take Oscar's hand, letting him pull me closer and placing my hands on the right spots. My heart flutters softly when he smiles at me, and I am sure that my cheeks are getting red but luckily the darkness with only the moon as a light source keeps it hidden.

"Just relax and follow the music." Is Oscars instruction for me before he slowly starts to move, making his body sway softly to the rhythm looking completely relaxed while I am still kind of cramped. It looks like Oscar knows exactly what he is doing while I need to look at my feet to be sure I am not accidentally trip over them or step on Oscar's feet.

"Look at me." Oscar stops his movement for a second, detaching one of his hands from my body to tilt my chin upwards, letting me look into his face instead of observing the sand under our feet. My skin burns where he touches me, but I try to keep a straight face.

"One step and then another." Slowly Oscar starts moving again and I try to follow his movement only concentrating on him and not what possible could go wrong right now. A soft breeze is brushing over our skins, leading to Oscar's scent being blown into my face and letting me slowly relax more and more.

"Your body fits perfectly with mine while dancing." Oscar mumbles and leans his forehead against mine for a second, almost making me trip but I can manage to keep up the dancing while my heart flutters and beats way faster afterwards. This is such a magical experience, and I can't believe that I am dancing in the moonlight with the boy I was sure didn't even recognize me.

"It is getting easier." Now there is a smile on my lips too and it does feel easier to move just like Oscar said, taking one step after the other. Not thinking too much and just let the music lead our bodies letting them sway in sync what feels perfectly.

"See, it isn't that hard." Oscar laughs, letting me turn around under his hand before he pulls me close again. We look closely at each other and my heart trying to beat its way out of my chest. His eyes flicker between my lips and my eyes and I am not sure if I am ready for what is going to follow.

Oscars features look beautiful in the moonlight, and I can see him hesitate for another moment before he slowly leans his head down. His lips almost touch mine when I turn my head to the side letting his lips only touch my cheek and not kiss me properly.

"I am sorry." Immediately Oscar apologizes and takes a step back. Guilt floods trough my veins because I didn't want to make him feel bad, but I have such a little amount of experience that I did not know what to do and just panicked before something could happen.

"Don't be it is just...I have never actually uhm...dated anyone before." I try to explain Oscar why I pulled away. Trying to tell him that I have no experience at all without really saying these words. Now I know that this was indeed a date, and that Oscar really seems to be interested in me.

"That is nothing to be ashamed of." Oscar has a soft smile on his lips, and I am glad that he is not hurt by my reaction and seems to understand it. But now I know he does not mind me being inexperienced I gain a lot of confidence and manage to ask him a question.

"Would you kiss me?" I bite my lip, feeling that I am blushing but the wide smile which spreads on Oscars lips show me that he is a huge fan of the question I just asked him. Oscar grabs my hand, making my heart flutter at his touch while we just smile at each other.

"Over and over again." Oscar promises before he leans close again. Giving me a few heartbeats to pull my head away but this time I am ready to kiss him. When he is sure that I am ready he connects our lips for a first magical kiss in the moonlight to which many will follow.

From this evening on we were a couple and Oscar asks me to dance every once in a while, making it our tradition. 

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