Chapter 6

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As we were talking I saw that some one was approaching us. I focused on that person a little more to make out who it was. My facial expression changed immediately, JJ saw this gave a signal to the others to look at me. They turned their heads away from me to look at the strange person approaching.

It turns out that the person wasn't just any stranger, but it was the worst, spoiled, punk, Kook there ever was when we were kids. I'm guessing he still is.
Rafe Cameron.

His hair was split down the middle and a bit longer than the last time we saw each other. He had bags under his eyes and looked tired as if he was going to fall asleep. When he finally reached our table he looks at me with a curiosity.

"So pogues who's your new friend?" He looks at them.
"Well Rafe this Lily. You remember Lily right?" John B leans back on his chair and stretches his arm across Kie's chair. Rafe's expression changed immediately, and then started to stutter as words tried to escape his mouth.
  "L-Lily?! Um h-hi it's been a while" he smiled at me nervously.
"Hi Rafe" I smiled back. I looked at JJ and Pope who were trying to send some sort of signals. JJ widened his eyes and Pope mouthed  something's, remember what I said this morning?!

At that moment I knew what they were talking about.  This morning at the store Pope had told me that Rafe Cameron had the biggest crush on me. Now that I'm older and I know, I can see him blushing and getting nervous.

"So when did you get here?" Rafe asked rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yesterday I'm staying with my grams, she brought me here for my birthday actually" I replied
"Oh, so how long are you staying?" He looked down,
"Um, well I don't really know" I didn't want to say anything about what happened still, especially to a Kook.

"What are you doing Rafe dad asked you to do somethin-" This was Sarah Cameron lady's and gentlemen. She was Rafe's younger sister always the favorite child. When she saw me she didn't say anything but just tried to pull Rafe back over to their table.
"Um I guess I'll see you around then Lily" Rafe was walking away slowly with Sarah pulling at his arm.
"See yah" I waved good bye.

After they were far enough me, JJ, John B, Pope, and Kiara looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"What was that all about!" I laughed
"That was Rafe Cameron trying to flirt, and if you would like to here more come back tomorrow" JJ joked.
"He must still be in love" Kie said as if she was talking to a baby.

  "Oh come on Kie, Rafe is not the same person anymore" Pope said very seriously. I knew then that something was up because if Pope used that face something was wrong.
   "What is it guys?" I asked looking at all of them. They looked at each other then looked at me.
  John B spoke, "Look Lily, the Camerons aren't  the same any more. Sarah had used to be friends with Kie and then just stoped for no reason and Rafe is just going down hill from drugs and what not."

I sat there shocked from what I heard. Sarah Cameron hurt my best friends feeling and Rafe is just living his best life (sarcastically). No wonder he looked like that.
"I really missed a lot didn't I?" I looked at JJ who was looking at his phone.
  "Ya, it sucks that you couldn't be here" Kie said.
  "Hey! listen I got to go but we could hang out tomorrow. If that's fine with you guys?" JJ finally spoke again. His expression uneasy. I decided that I was going to leave too. To see if he was alright.

"Hey I better be going too grams might get worried" I hugged them all and walked out with JJ. He opened the door and let me go first then when he was finally out side i took my shot.
"JJ are you alright because Pope said that they haven't seen u for two days until now?" I asked him.
"O-oh I'm alright Lily you don't need to be worried about me." He smiled and put and arm around me ushering that he was alright. I smiled back.

I didn't believe it for one second, I can tell when people are lying to me it's happened plenty of times. When we finally got to the car.
"Do you need a ride home?" I offered.
"Oh no I got my own ride" He points behind him. There was a bike.

JJ rides a bike! Now that's hot. Wait what!? I can't be thinking that!

He gets on the bike and starts it up.
"Wow, nice ride" I scanned the bike looking at every inch of it. It's body was red, there was the number 26 in bold black stuck one a blue front, and lastly was stickers that were placed in different places on the bike.
"I know right!" JJ brushed some dirt off the front of it.

"I'll see you tomorrow JJ" I hugging him
"See you tomorrow Lily" he smiled and hugged me back. After the hug he drove away and I got into the car. Before I could start the car someone nocked on my window. I looked to see Rafe! I rolled down the window,
"Hey Rafe can I help you?" I asked him.
"Hey so um I was wondering if you wanted to grab some lunch tomorrow?" He was asking me out. I couldn't believe this!
"Oh im sorry I can't im hanging out with JJ and the others tomorrow" I looked at him with sorry eyes

He had mumbled something under his breath that sounded like, "Damn you JJ"
"What was that?" I asked though knowing what he said.
"Oh nothing um.. maybe another time"
"Yah maybe" I said starting the car.

He walked away and then I headed back to grams.


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