Chapter 15

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I drove past at least a dozen fallen trees and no open stores or restaurants to get food at. While I was driving I couldn't shake off the moment me and JJ just had. He saw so comforting and caring, I hadn't had someone there to show me those traits since my parents were always working and gone most of the time.

I past by Kie's parent's restaurant and saw that they had put out a stand of free food for people. So I stopped there and the sign said grab and go so I grabbed some bread, fruit, vegetables, and jelly. And headed of town grams.

That's when my phone started to go off.
I pick it up and see it's grams.
"Lily did you find any thing?" Grams asked.
"Yah I did I'm on my way back." I said
"Oh we'll hurry up then because you have a visitor!" Grams sound like she had a lot of energy.
"Really wh-" Before I could finish she hung up the phone and I was left wondering who the visitor was.

Was it JJ? No he would have told me. Unless it was something important! I thought to my self. I would just have to wait and see.

When I got hone I walked in the house and say a tall manly figure facing his back towards me. Grams was talking to the stranger, he was wearing a white shirt with light pink, blue, and yellow on it, with tan shorts, his hair was short, shorter than JJ's or John B's.

"Hey grams, who's this?" I ask closing the door behind me.
"Oh hey Lily!" The man turned around so I could see his face.

Rafe Cameron was in my house! Why?

"Rafe came by to see how we were after the storm so I invited him in." Grams said putting a hand on Rafe's shoulder.

"Um, that's real nice of you grams." I sigh out a little laugh then smile at Rafe. I walked over to the kitchen then put the bag of food o. The counter.

"Oh do you need any help?" Rafe offered.
"No it fine" I say back.
"Well I will be right back I have to go grab something." Grams said leaving just me and Rafe in the same room.
After I took all the food out I leaned on the kitchen island and stood there in silence.

"So uh did, did you have fun with your uh, your pogue friends?" Rafe said with a stutter.
"Ya I did." I look at him.
"And uh you hung out with JJ right?" He looked up nervously.
"Um ya how did you know?" I walk up to him.
"Well I just guessed since you have been hanging out with them."
"Oh ya I guess I have."
"Hey um Lily remember when I asked you to grab lunch one time and you were busy." He walks closer to me. Holding to back of his head.
"Ya" I say as I felt my chest tense up as he took another step closer.

At that moment grams walks in and I step back from Rafe who was looking at the ground now.
"Sorry kids I couldn't find my glasses. Now what we're you two talking about?"
"I was just about to ask Lily if she was free for dinner tomorrow night" Rafe smirked knowing that grams would make me go to dinner.
"Oh how lovely of course she's free." She smiled.
"Yes I am" going with it.
"Ok well I better be going bye." Rafe walks to the door.
"Bye" me and grams say.

As I go to close the door behind him he stops me and says.
"I'll pick you up at 6" He winks then walks to his bike! He has a bike too!
I scream in my head then turn to grams and look at her with a red face.

"Grams I didn't know that I was free for dinner tomorrow?!"
"Oh Lily it might be nice for you to spend some time with someone other than your friends." She says.
"But Rafe Cameron really!? His family pretty much hates me." I say  I passing back and forth.
"Oh I'm sure that don't hate you." Grams walks to the kitchen island.

I go to my room and scream into my pillow. Then I text Pope,John B, Kie, And JJ that I can't hang out tomorrow.
  They kept on asking why but I just said that grams needed my help with somethings in to yard since after the storm hit.

I felt terrible lying to them again but I didn't want them to know I was having dinner with a kook!

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