Who Is That?

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I stayed up all night writing down notes for tomorrow, Gwen had given me her number during lunch, she said whenever I need help or have a bad day, she says that she can fix that with her encouraging personality.

I really liked Gwen, well, I don't love her as a girlfriend or anything... Just a friend that's all.

As I was writing, I saw that hooded person again. I don't know if I was hallucinating or it's really there. I went out to my balcony to see what the hell what was going on.

I saw it again, "Hey! You, get back here!" I yelled at the mysterious thing. It quickly went away and fom what I could see, it was walking on the wall. Like literally. It looks like that some sort of web thingy popped out of its wrist.

Was I seeing things? No. That look too real..

The next morning...

I woke up from the sounds of mom and dad shaking me and saying my name. "Y/n! Wake up! We have some rather bad news.." mom said, worrisome and concern plastered on her face, even dad.

"Mom, what? What's the news? I have school today.." I asked, it was literally 8:00am in the morning.

"Well, you kinda don't have school today. Something bad happened. Really bad..." dad said, he looked scared.

They took me downstairs to the living room and turned the TV on to the news. From what I saw, it was some sort of green monster guy.. Attacking people with his lizard like powers..

It's said that it was later defeated by a superhero the people of New York call ut, or should I say, her. It was some sort of human arachnid with spider-like powers. I could see she had a hoodie.

Could it be? No way.. It's probably that figure I saw.. I thought. The superheroe's name is 'Spider-Woman'. So I guess I have the answer now. Maybe? I don't know, I'm not completely sure if that was the Spider-Woman I saw two days ago.

I tried doing some research online if she had some background origins of how she got her powers or what exactly is she..

I don't know if she was a lab experiment or something. What if she was being tested on? I just need answers. And then, when I saw this one detail, I thought I was gonna fall right off of my chair and faint.

The hero has the the same ballerina shoes that Gwen has. Or maybe Gwen was probably just a fan of her. Deciding to go to her place, I went to mom and dad and pretended that I'm going out for a short walk and will come back home.

I went over to Gwen's place and knocked on her door, footsteps can be heard behind the door. Instead of Gwen, it was a man. Definitely her dad. "Uh, I'm looking for Gwen. Is she here?" I asked the man. "Ah yes. My daughter, she's over there. Gwen! There's someone at the door for you!c he called out her name.

I suppose her dad was heading to work and left off. "Oh Y/n. You're here. Need anything?" she asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Yeah, I do. Since you're smarter than me, I need your help with something." I replied and went in her apartment, she looked confused and asked out of curiosity.

"What, what is it?" she asked me again.

"Alright so, Gwen, I just saw the news about this supervillain type guy and was destroying the school, and there was this random hooded person who-" I was cut off by Gwen immediately taking me to her room.

I could see that she was sweating uncontrollably and her blue eyes all wide and scared.

🕷️Gwen's POV🕷️

Gwen, keep it together, Gwen. she doesn't know that I'm the Spider-Woman.

I was so nervous by this point, Y/n must've saw the news about The Lizard. He was my best friend, Peter Parker. But I wasn't able to save him. And that's why I dedicated my life to save people from now on.

Now, I did say that I don't do friends that much ever since Peter's death. But, I kinda like Y/n, in fact, probably fell for her.

Anyways, back to the point, I was scared that Y/n might find out that I'm the hero behind all of the savings and I started to think of lies. Just so she doesn't find out.

"Spider what?"

"Gwen, it's Spider-Woman. Do you have any idea what or who she is?" Oh god, she's definitely onto me..

"Y/n, I don't know who that is. But I do know some parts of her origin. Something about a radioactive spider biting her and then she gets these arachnid like powers... And uh.. You know.." I tried not to expose half of me to her. I could sense her eyes were looking down at my feet.

Even worse, she's looking at my ballet shoes that I wore when I was saving everyone. "Gwen, why do you have ballerina shoes?" Y/n asked, well I use them for fighting and for better strength.

"Sometimes I do ballet in my spare time. Not really..." Y/n's eyes moved over to my drum set.

"You're in a band?"

"Me, well yeah. After school I do. It's one of my hobbies."

"Y/n, if you want I can show you some of my skills. Like right now." I sat down and took the drumsticks out and started some low tunes.

She seems quite into it, she really enjoyed it. We laughed together and told stories about our selves and how we're here. She's definitely the best person I've met, sure there's Miles but there's something about Y/n that makes her really special.

🕷️Your POV🕷

She's really cool, Gwen was a pretty cool friend to have. I thought that the first time in school was gonna be all hard and rough for me, it turns out I was wrong..

But still though, about that Spider-Gwen. I really need to know about that mystery hero... Is it a another person from a different planet? Guess I'll never know..

"..." Gwen looked over at her window, listening very closely which seems to be screams and whatever it is..

"Y/n, I know it's been a good time but.. I think you should leave.." she told me, her face getting more concerned everytime.

"W-what. Why?" I asked her.

"Y/n, just go. Please, I'm so sorry.."
She grabs my shoulders and closes the door behind me.

Okay, now something is really going on.. And it doesn't look right. Why is she acting like this?

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