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Gwen and Y/n stepped inside of the apartment, looking for Gwen's exact room and making a stop at what Y/n thinks is the right one.

Gwen knocks on the door and with just a minute passing by, the door opened and there stood her dad who looked like he  just woke up from a nap and looked disheveled and weary.

"Can I help you -- Oh, hey Gwen, where have you been? It's quite late, and who's this?" Gwen's dad, George asked.

"Yeah sorry, Dad that I'm abit late, I just had to pick up a friend and go to band practice and all that. This is Y/n by the way, we met when she just moved in a few months ago." Gwen explained to her father.

Y/n gave him a simple but quick smile, expecting a not very pleasant greeting from him which of course wasn't the case for him.

"George Stacy, Y/n, pleased to meet you. I see you've met my daughter." He said, lightly shaking Y/n's hand.

Y/n thought that he didn't approve at first, but she was surprised to see how cool he was with her already.

"So, Gwen. Is your friend here sleeping over or is she just staying here for abit?" George asked.

"She's sleeping over, Dad. And I figured it would be nice for her to stay for abit. Just like good old times before with some of my other friends." Gwen answered.

George smiled and welcomed them in the apartment.

Y/n looked around at the place, almost feeling as if she was home.

Gwen lightly pulled her wrist and away from the living room, almost making Y/n laugh at her action. She almost heard George Stacy utter, "Kids" under his breath.

Gwen had taken Y/n into what appears to be her room, all filled with all kinds of things, posters hung up on the wall, many different objects places upon her desk and there was even here drumset.

Gwen moved away from Y/n and towards her drumset, unscrewing it and from what Y/n could see was her Spider suit.

"Oh, that's where you hide it at?" She asked.

"Yeah, all the time, but not too loud. Dad'll hear you." Gwen reminded her.

"Oh yeah, right sorry. But I like what you've done with your room though, place looks good." Y/n said, looking around the room.

"Thanks, I did it myself."

The girls spend the majority of their time talking and enjoying most of their time, enjoying each other's company and telling some of their life stories.

"So, Gwen? You wouldn't mind me asking you this won't you?" Y/n asked her as she was laying down on her bed, with Gwen sitting up next to her as she was scribbling something in her book.

"Yeah, go ahead what is it?" She replied.

"How did you become Spider-Woman? Was it a decease or a.."

"Oh no, it wasn't that, I, well it started when I was bit by a radioactive spider, and don't ask where it came from because I don't know either." Y/n chuckled abit,

"Okay, tell me more."

"Well, after that, for the past two years, that's when I became the city's one and only superhero. You know the rest, I saved the city, my dad.. But, I couldn't save him.." Gwen said grimly.

Y/n looked at her and sat up, who was she referring to?

"Save who? What happened, what's wrong?"

🕷️Gwen's Pov🕷️(In 3rd person)

Gwen felt a tinge of discomfort and slight sadness at what she had said and Y/n's question, Gwen really liked Y/n but was afraid that the same thing might happen to her like with her friend Peter.

Peter was one of her friends back then and they were really close, they would often times hang out together at her place just like what Y/n is doing now, and that all changed during one night.

It was just a peaceful day during her prom night a long time ago, she wondered where Peter was and that's the prom was ambushed by a lizard creature who just so happened to be Peter, who just wanted to be special like her as he put it.

And he dies in her arms, she couldn't do anything to save him.

"Gwen? Gwen? You alright, you are still in there right?" Y/n waved her had across Gwen's face.

"Huh, what? I yeah about that. It's about my friend Peter."

"Peter, who is Peter?" Y/n stopped for a moment, realizing what Gwen meant earlier.

"Oh, Gwen.. Don't tell me he was.."

"Dead? Yeah, Y/n, I hate to tell you but he died. I couldn't save him, he turned himself into a lizard of sorts, I didn't knew may better that it was him.. There wasn't anything I could do." Gwen explained, Y/n could almost feel the distraught in her voice as she examined what happened.

Y/n moved closer to Gwen, and to her surprise, she laid her head against her shoulder and lightly wrapped her arms against Gwen's left arm.

With Y/n tracing her fingers lightly on her, making Gwen feel relaxed and even pats her head.

Gwen almost felt like she needed this, she needed Y/n's company and she enjoyed it. She was glad that she had invited her over at her place.

Gwen made sure that the door was locked so her dad wouldn't interrupt them or walk in, that's when he called her from outside though.

"Gwen! Get in here."

Gwen carefully got up, making sure that Y/n didn't get startled as she had already fallen asleep somehow by her side.

She unlocked the door and was met by her dad in front of her.

"Yeah, Dad? Me and Y/n were just about to rest and all that" She told him

"Oh, sorry about that, I was just wondering if you kids needed anything, like water or anything else, no?"

"No, Dad. It's fine we were just about to sleep that's it."

George gave an understanding nod and patted his daughter's shoulder.

"Alright, kid. I gotcha, you kids get some rest and I'm on patrol tomorrow, remember that." He winked and left the two alone.

Gwen went back to Y/n and again, carefully sat back down and made sure that Y/n didn't wake up and eventually fell asleep.


This kinda took me over two days to make, idk I lost track. But here it is finally and I'm getting really close <3

Hopefully this book will pay off really well, I have some high hopes for this book y'all I need this

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