Secret Is Out

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As me and Gwen got closer and closer together, there was this odd and fuzzy feeling betwee the two of us. As if it were something that happened once in my life a few years back..

Let me tell you..

Bold italics: memories/flashbacks

"Y/n, I just think you're a really cool and neat person you know.." my ex-boyfriend, Josh said. He was a really awkward yet funny guy that I met in middle-school and had a crush on in high school.

And to my surprise, he had a crush on me as well, we started off as just good friends until both had feelings and we knew that it would ruin our friendship by confessing since we were really awkward at that time. But turns out we were wrong, he really liked me and wanted to be with me. So did I...

Until one that one day that would change my life entirely..

I remember one night when Josh called me and told me to go to his place for a talk, everything was fine there until a horrible incident happened that ruined my life..

As we talked to each other on the roof of his apartment complex, some mugger went up and pushed Josh off the roof. Killing him. I wasn't able to save and sometimes I would blame myself for his death, I remember that I had to take some really strong pills to try and feel better in life and not bring up his death to just live a normal life.

I don't want to live in a dark and depressing life, I want to be happy. But without Josh, where was I now?

Well, now I know..

After all those years and now spending time with Gwen, something similar happened between the two of us that is similar to my feelings for Josh. We would joke around together and share some fun stories in our life and would do some awesome graffiti art together.

Don't worry, we don't it a the time, we only do it in like places people don't go to our places people don't go to much. Learned it from a friend of hers she says. Some person named Miles Morales from what she said.

Time passed and passed and we soon got even closer like I said, she was the coolest person I've ever met now. She's talented, smart, and has an amazing personality and we've got alot in common.

One nigh, she invited me over to her place for a chat and just for some time together and might help each other with homework. I got myself ready and went over to the building, I went over to the door and knocked on it.

But no one answered, I soon realized that it was unlocked and went in.

"Gwen! I'm here! You said you wanted to see me right?" I called out but no one answered. And then, from out of no where, someone patted my back. Causing me to flinch and tune around in surprise.

"Did I scare you?" there was Gwen, some how behind though I didn't see her from the corner of my eye. I laughed slightly and said, "Uh well, sort off. But really nah I'm good." she laughed. She then pulled my arm, dragging me to her room.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something." Gwen said sternly, Making me rather confused.

"Okay.. Yeah sure, tell me anything, Gwen." I said. with long pause, Gwen rubbed her forehead as she was about to speak.

"Y/n, right from the start I met you, I don't think I've ever been happier in my life. All I'm saying, I really like you.. But as a-" I cut her off and got off guard when she said.

"As in, something like love or anything like that?" I can see Gwen's frustration in her eyes, probably at herself.

"No, not like that really.. It's.. it's complicated, Y/n." Gwen looked so frustrated and nervous to me, I could see some tears about to fall from her blue colored eyes. I patted her lightly on the shoulder for comfort, reassuring her that I won't stop being friends with her.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, Gwen. You can tell me anything I care about you. You are my friend, after all." I said reassuringly. Gwen gave a slight smile and started to talk to me.

"Heh. Thanks, man. Uh, Y/n I have a something to tell you."

"Okay, go ahead. It's fine."

"Y/n, I am-" I cut her off again by saying he one thing that shocked her.

"Am Spider-Woman?" her eyes widened as I said that.

"How'd you know. I-I mean.. What?" she said, cursing at her words.

"Uh, I just thought it was something you'd say or whatever or some kind of-" she cut me off.

"No! I'm.. Ugh.. Yeah I am Spider-Woman"

"Y-you're joking.. Right?" I said, not really shocked since I've heard her before.


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