First Day

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Today is now my first day of high school, I have set up an alarm for tomorrow morning for the first day. However, I kind of had some trouble sleeping. Because, that persoi just saw made me curious and a bit scared. Was it a man or woman? Guess I'll never know.

The next morning...

"Y/n! Come downstairs! It's your first day of school." my dad called me downstairs as I stopped my alarm from ringing and quickly got up. I brushed my teeth and did my hair in a ponytail braid.

Since it's my first day, I didn't know what to wear because I don't have to uniform. So I gave in and decided to finally dress up neatly. I wasn't even a show off at any place or special occasion since I'm not like that. But I did want to look presentable to the school. I got out a simple sweater since it was freezing outside, and my black boots.

I got my backpack and went downstairs and took a single slice of toast. "Y/n, you're looking nice for school." mom said, complementing my outfit. "Thanks, ma. I gotta go now, bye!" I waved bye to her and left the apartment.

With dad waiting by the car, "You woke up in a good mood. Nice outfit to your first day of school." dad said while cleaning the windows before going in. Once done, we both got in the car and dad went to my school.

"It should be right around here somewhere..." dad muttered to himself, looking out the window scanning the buildings to find my right destination. "Haha! Right over here. Y/n, we're here." he told me. I looked out and saw how huge the school was.

A big smile on my face, I unbuckled my seatbelt and got my backpack. Gazing at the huge sight in front of me. "It's a heck of a building." dad said. "Yeah, it sure is.."

"You're gonna make your pop proud. Have a good day at school, Y/n." dad told me. He went back in the car and waved at me goodbye. "I love you, dad." I said to him. "I love you too, Y/n." and there he goes. I took a breath in and a breath out and went up the steps of the school. There were people everywhere signing up from clubs and talking to each other.

Once inside, I was amazed by how well made and a little peaceful the school was. I then, went searching for the right classroom I'm supposed to be going to and someone walked up to me. "Ah, you must be the new student. Y/n L/n, right?" the person asked, a woman actually. Must be the principal.

"Yeah, I'm that girl." I replied to her.

"Ah great! Follow me, I'll lead you to your class. Here's the schedule by the way." she says and hands me a piece of paper with the schedule and times when I should attend, with her leading me to the first class. My favorite ever since my very first school, Science.

"I'm Mrs. Nora. I should've told you that earlier, anyways.." she had now led me to my first class and once I entered to room, everyone was murmuring and whispering to each other about me. I couldn't tell if they were gossiping or just interested.

"Good morning, students. Today we have a new student, Y/n L/n. And you all better have a mind to be nice and welcoming to her. Unlike what you all did to our last one thay other time." she explained.

I just smiled and waved at them as a 'hi' or 'hello'. They all smiled at me and I could've sworn some of the girls at the back were silently giggling at me. Probably because of the way I dress. "Please, Miss L/n. Have a seat." Mrs. Nora told me, pulling out a chair.

"Thank you, ma'am. You're too kind." I said. She left the room and I sat down, waiting for the teacher who will arrive. As I was waiting, I saw someone slowly tilt their head to me. It's her, that one girl that I saw when I moved in.

I didn't know whether or not I should say hi or ignore, she looks tough. Deciding to just go for it. I spoke to her. "Uh, hi. Say, aren't you that person I saw when I just moved in?" I asked her, nervous as hell. "Me? Yeah, it was. I'm Gwen Stacy." she told me.

She seems nice.. "You from around here?" Gwen asked. "Me? No. I just moved here. I'm from Queens." I said as the teacher went right in.

"That's nice." Gwen whispered to me. So I guess this won't be too bad, I thought this was going to be awkward. I guess I just had some luck.

After class...

It's lunch time now, I was getting some food and looking for a place to seat at. Sometimes, I would look for a place to seat with no people around. Because sometimes when you sit down with other people at lunch, they just don't like it or just tell you to leave.

And it's my first day and I didn't want to be too bad. I sat by an empty table that wasn't pushed to the very back of the other tables though. once I was about to eat, I felt someone pat my shoulder. "You could've sat next to me." it was Gwen, really nice of her.

"You all alone?"

"No, Gwen. I'm fine." I said.

"Hey, uh how about you can come over to my place some time. If you want to, I don't mind." Gwen told me, maybe this isn't too bad. Probably a yes.

"Uh sure, I'll think about that. You're a nice person." I said to her. She chuckles and starts eating her food. As I was eating, I noticed that Gwen had ballet shoes on the whole time. Was she a ballet dancer? Probably. I didn't want to ask her since it might be awkward for me and her.

We both finished our lunch, we talked to each other once we were done and I'm really happy to be friends with Gwen. I think she's a pretty cool friend to have. We both went to our next class.

After school...

"So, I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe not or.. Yeah see you around." Gwen said as she got all of her things out and left. I waved bye to her and got my backpack and left as well. I didn't have any homework since it was the very first day.

I stood by my apartment door and knocked to see if mom and dad are home. The door answered. "Hey, Y/n! Good to see you! So, how was school?" she asked me, happy like always. "Oh, mom it was great. I've made a friend already." I told her.

"Guy or girl?" she asked me again.

"Does it matter?"

"No, Y/n. Not at all." mom said.

"Alright, it's a girl. Gwen Stacy. She's great." I told her.

Mom was so happy that I was able to make a friend in just one day of school. So was dad who heard the conversation in the living room. Mom had already made dinner while I was gone, so we ate. As we ate our food, I saw the figure again. That hooded person from yesterday.

"Y/n, what's wrong? You seem scared." dad asked me, I guess he noticed me looking at the window. I just shook my head as a no. Still though, who is that person in a hoodie?

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