A Close Call

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Narrator's Pov

Gwen had woken up before Y/n did, who was still sleeping, and as she started blinking her eyes open, she was met with Y/n resting her head against her lap, still sleeping coolly.

Gwen wanted to say something but knew that she couldn't wake up Y/n all so suddenly and instead carefully got up from bed and went to fix herself up, going to the bathroom.

As she came back to the room, Y/n was now awake, stretching and not really being  familiar with what happened last night. Y/n didn't expect herself to fall asleep so quickly as she wanted to talk to Gwen more often.

"Morning." Gwen said to Y/n, winking at her.

Y/n chuckled and went to the bathroom after her and as she went by, she was greeted by George who also looked like he had just woken up.

"Aah, I forgot you were still here, mornin', kid. How'd you guys do last night good?" He asked, Y/n really thought this guy was just like her dad.

"Oh, yeah, Sir, it was good. It's always nice to be over at someone's house at times you know. I was wondering if I could come here more often?" Y/n did find this place to be really pleasant, especially since Gwen is always with her.

"Of course, kid! Whatever it is, whatever the occasion. I always enjoy having my daughter's friends around and it's nice having them here. Since she hasn't really made any real friends before after that kid Peter-"

Y/n didn't want Mr. Stacy to feel awful the same way Gwen did when mentioning Peter and stopped him right before he said his name.

"Yeah, yeah, Peter him yeah.. I'm sorry for what happened to him, Sir. I'm sure you knew and thought he was a nice kid and all that." Y/n felt another stinge of discomfort.

"Don't mention it, kid. It really took a toll on Gwen, she too didn't feel the same way after that.."

"But hey, she's got you and she's doing alot better. Oh, and one more thing, you both do have school and you gotta rush home, that's for sure." George reminded Y/n that she still had school and it immediately alarmed her.

"Oh! Yeah, right school okay. Alright, I really need to get going, thanks for letting be know, Sir!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah sure. See you later, kid." And George eventually left the room to go else where.

Y/n rushed back to Gwen's room to remind her that she needed to get back home fast as school starts in an hour or more minutes.

"Gwen! Gwen, I needed to tell you that we still have school and I really gotta get back home to get all my stuff ready and," Gwen looked at her, and an idea went into her head and knew it could be a way for her to get to Y/n.

"And I just need a lift I can. But I just don't know what."

"You know what, Y/n. Maybe I can help you get back, how about that?" Y/n looked confused, until Gwen went over to her drumset and got out her suit, holding it up.

This obviously made Y/n get the idea of what Gwen was thinking, making Gwen smirk and turn to Y/n.

" Y/n, you wouldn't mind just like turning around or just standing outside? I need to.." Y/n already knew what she meant and stepped outside of the room.

Gwen then stepped out of the room, making sure that her dad wasn't around feeling unnerved while now in her spider suit while wearing a pair of blue sneakers, Y/n felt quite impressed with what she has done with it.

"Gwen, that looks amazing! How did you possibly make that?" Y/n asked, admiring the whites and blacks, as well as the added pink touches to it.

Gwen lifted abit of her mask up for her to expose her mouth.

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