After Y/n, alongside with her parents move into NYC as their new home, along the way Y/n meets another teenager called Gwen Stacy, who just so happens to be Spider-Woman. How would things go for them as they slowly start to bond in their "friendship...
You woke up early in the morning, with the sun rising up in the sky and it's bright beaming light causing you to wake up from the brightness. It's a new day for school once more. You still couldn't belive what happened the other day when Gwen had told you that she was New York's superhero Spider-Woman.
You got up from your bed, checking your phone to see the time and went in the bathroom to do your usual routine, brush teeth and all. You got dressed in a simple pink hoodie jacket and black jeans with black boots. You got your backpack and things ready for school and went off. Saying bye to your parents and leaving.
Today, you started to realize something. Gwen wasn't with you. You thought that Gwen was just probably running late for school or slept late that night, but no. Gwen was never late for school and this slightly alarmed you.
But you tried to not think about it and just went to school without your bestfriend next to you. Or future lover...
You took your seat in class and took down notes in your notebook as the physics teacher kept on explaining and teaching. Even everyone noticed that Gwen wasn't here either, and that made you even more suspicious, and paranoid. What if she died while fighting crime? What if she's gone? What if she moved out?
You really wanted school to be over by now so you can call her up to see if anything is wrong or worse..
A couple hours passed by and school was finally dismissed. You immediately rushed home and went on your phone to call Gwen to see if somethings wrong since you haven't seen her all day.
You tried calling the number back again and again but no one answered, that's when something told you that Gwen could need your help and that's when you heard it.
A noise from outside of your bedroom balcony caught your attention, something mechanical noise you thought. You went out to see who or what it is, but none was there. Until a tentacle robotic like arm popped out of nowhere and hit you in the chest, making you fall over and back into your room.
It was him.
Doctor Otto Octavius. The man Gwen told you about and was apparently a genius who invented the tentacle arms but when too much power from the sun apparently was transported into the arms, the energy became too strong and now the arms are in control of him.
"You." the man said, his robot arms moving around as if they were alive. You didn't know what to say or do as you just stood there in fear knowing of what he could do to you.
"Doctor Octavius, what do you want? Gwen and I trusted you.." you said, quivering. (technically, Otto was in into the spider verse but he wasn't shown for long and was seen when Gwen was introducing herself and you can see his arms trying to catch her in the film)
"Oh, I did.. But Spider-Woman tried to stop my machine and now I need it back. I know that insect will come and when I try to fix it. So you're coming with me.." he said evily and took you with his arms and went off. Smashing cars and buildings as he went down with you screaming in fear as the arms held you.
The only person you could think of was Gwen. You prayed to the lord above, hoping that she'll come and save your life. But too bad she couldn't be there, you thought.
And what you thought about just now happened, Gwen swinging by to rescue you. Trying her best to both save your life and fight off Otto, it wasn't an easy thing for her. Otto was still holding you and Gwen tried to get him to let go. Eventually, Gwen webbed his face with her shooters and the arms let go causing you to fall right out of his reach.
She was fighting him on a building and seeing you fall off the building shocked Gwen and immediately went down and went for it.
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Gwen could not let this happen again, not with you this time. She still remembered what happened to Peter, her bestfriend. And she knew that she couldn't let you die as it would break her too.
And just right when you were about to hit the ground and die, Gwen catched you in the nick of time with her web and was now saved by the human arachnid.
Gwen came down to you and picked you up bridal style. "Are you okay?" she asked as she removed her mask and kept the hoodie on.
You nodded, happy and glad that you were saved by your friend yet still so shocked by that near death experience.
Otto was gone, there was no sight of him anywhere after your fall. This only made Gwen abit suspicious knowing he could still be out there.
Gwen put you down and smiled at you, knowing that she had successfully saved her soon-to-be girlfriend and was finally redeemed. She put her mask back on and picked you up again.
"Need a swing home?" she asked you.
You nodded and swept off the ground and into the air. Swinging and releasing her way to your apartment. Luckily, Otto didn't cause too much damage and didn't destroy her room or room walls otherwise her family would see it and might spend all their money on repairs and fixing.
The two carefully stepped on the small balcony and Gwen carefully let go of you and she stayed there with you for a couple of minutes and soon thanked Gwen for saving her life. Calling her a hero.
"Guess I'll see you around."
"I'll see you too, tiger. Or, spider." you teased making her blush.
She chuckles and swings off majestically back to her place.
Things are going to take a turn once the next day comes by...
Hey, your thoughts, I'm currently thinking if I should do a snape x femreader book in the future because after all, he's my HP crush 😁(I also miss Alan and snape😔)
but not yet for now since I still have PLENTY of story ideas in mind with one coming right about now or later😁😁