"Date Night"

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Narrator's Pov

The sun then began to rise over the apartment with it's bright light yellow haze and slowly did so as it rose over Y/n's balcony and began to lighten up her room, and it's bright light getting in her eyes as it fully went up in the sky.

Y/n slowly wake up and wiped the sleepiness from her eyes and tried to fully get out of bed, she reached out for her phone that was just next to her in bed and checked the time. It wasn't exactly too late but a little too early, she then remembered how Gwen told her that she'll go out with her and hang out after school.

She felt a slight excitement at the idea of hanging out with a friend that she had met just a few weeks ago and who really wants to possibly know more or just for some personal enjoyment with each other.

Y/n then fully got up and took a quick bath and got herself ready for the half day at school, she got into a taxi and made their way to school. Once she arrived and got into class, she noticed that Gwen wasn't anywhere to be seen. Again.

"Right it's fine, it's all fine. She's just out there fighting crime and that's it, it can be a dangerous city though.."

"Y/n! Is there anything you have to say? Do you have anything you'd like to share with the class?" Y/n didn't really notice that her teacher Mrs. Nora had called out for her.

"W-wait, me? Oh no, ma'am, no, I don't really.." She said quickly.

Mrs. Nora didn't really pay much to that and continued on with the current lesson.

Y/n felt like school was pretty rushed despite her only being there for just four hours and most of the other students then went off to their separate ways, but before Y/n could leave, she knew she had to know where Gwen really is to fully know where she is aside from Y/n thinking she's doing superhero work.

"Uhm, Ma'am?" Y/n got up from her seat and asked Mrs. Nora.

"Yes, Y/n? Anything before you leave?"

"Yeah, I do only have one thing to ask you, and I was just wondering where Gwen is, you know her, right? Gwen Stacy?" Y/n asked her.

Mrs. Nora looked abit puzzled.

"Oh, Gwen? I apologize but I'm not exactly sure where she is either. In fact, none of the other students seem to know where she is too." She explained

"Okay, thank you, ma'am. I guess, but surely she's out there but just didn't go to school, but I'll see you tomorrow anyway.." Y/n made her goodbye to her.

As Y/n walked back home, she received a text message from someone as she felt a vibration against and got her phone out, it was a message from Gwen. (duh.)

" Hey, Y/n, sorry I wasn't at school today. :( "

"Wha.. She's telling me just now??" She said to herself.

" Yeah about that, why weren't you at school anyway?? "

" Oh yeah, right sorry about that, the thing is is that I sort of had to skip school, that is because I had band practise. "

" Alright, cool I'd definitely go with you why not :)) "

" Awesome, I'll see you then👍

" yeah alright I'll get going then, see ya in abit, G :) "

Y/n put her phone aside and went straight home.

She made sure that she was fully ready for her to get going, she was now wearing some jeans, sneakers and a hoodie overtop. She then heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Y/n!! Are you in there?" Her mom called out from outside.

"Yeah in a minute!!"

She took her phone and stuffed it in her hoodie and made sure she looked good before heading out the door, only to see her mom standing infront of her.

"Oh, hi, honey. What's the occasion? Are you meeting someone or-"

"Yeah I am, mom. Sorry i just really need to see Gwen as she said we would hang out together and you know all that stuff."

All her mom did was give her a warm smile.

"Oh, alright that's real nice, sweetheart, I do hope you'll have fun with her! And tell her I said hello will you?" Her mom added, much to Y/n's disturbance and embarrassment.

"Mom, please. Don't even try to go there." Y/n said, still embarrassed.

She said goodbye to her mom, and her dad (who was off duty at the moment), and soon left the apartment.

As Y/n got out, she never felt so happy than ever. Although she really needed to know where she had to meet Gwen and where she exactly was as she didn't really say what.

"Looking for me?" Y/n heard that familiar voice and looked behind to see Gwen, who was wearing a cute pink cardigan which almost looked loose fitting but not entirely so. She's also wearing black leggings with little blue ballet shoes.

"Gwen! I thought I wouldn't be to catch up to you, you look great." Y/n would've liked to hug her right there, but she remembered that she was in the middle of a sidewalk and knew that she couldn't right now.

Gwen chuckled and patted her shoulder lightly.

"Thanks, and so do you. I think it's looking good." She added, making Y/n feel abit lost at that last part.

Gwen and Y/n then started to walk around the city together, doing all sorts of fun activities like telling each other their life stories or Y/n watching how Gwen does her drummer skills and joking around at times.

It was all fun and of course, Gwen remembered what she had thought about before, and that was asking Y/n if she could go to her place in abit.

They were currently just sitting around after Gwen's drum practice, and just having well and good times in general.

"Hey, Y/n. I know we've had our fun and everything, but is it fine with you if you'd want to come to my place?" Gwen asked her, feeling abit uneasy and hoping to get an answer.

Y/n looked up at her, "Gwen, are you kidding? It won't hurt to have a little more fun, of course I would! I'd love to like right now? Really?"

"Yeah, yeah, you know, it'll be fun when we get there I promise." Y/n fully agreed to come with Gwen and the two took off together.

Going through the alleyways and stumbling upon some stairs which of course lead to Gwen's apartment.

"Is anyone there?" Y/n asked Gwen, making sure that no one was around thinking about what the two were up to.

"It's alright, surely my dad'll be alright to see you, he's a nice guy, don't worry, Y/n" Gwen said surely.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this felt abit to rushed :/ but  I had to shorten it up abit due to pacing reasons but things will get interesting so bear with me I'll try my best to come up with ideas,

Also, pretty much ATSV is the reason why I had to come back to this book and try to finish it and it's my motivation for this book now :)

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