Tell No One

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"Yep, I know, shocking. Right?" Gwen said sarcastically.

"Y-you're really joking right?" I asked her.

"No, it's true. But, Y/n can i tell you this?" she said rather seriously.
I was still questioning her in my head from what she just said. There's no way that's she's REALLY Spider-Woman, or is it?

"I guess. Sure go ahead. You arey bestfriend and all and.."

"Promise me that you won't tell anyone, and I mean NO ONE that I'm really Spider-Woman. Because what would I do if they find out. Well, you know now, so please, Y/n. tell no one about this." Gwen explained.

"Don't worry, Gwen. I won't. I promise." I said to her and latched my pinky finger around hers. Promising to never break our promise. Even though I really don't know if she's really the person behind the mask really.

"Shit.." I muttered to myself as I was walking down the side walk, reminding myself that I had at least just three school work in chemistry, math and history. That's just great, that's a whole lot of work I have to do, huh? Well, that just gets even worse. What makes it? I'll tell you, as I was walking along, someone came out of nowhere and asked me if I had some valuebles.

"Hey you, you don't mind if I check if you've got any cash out will you?" said a middle-aged man in an all black attire. Making me realize that I'm getting robbed by a robber. I tried to lie my way out of this situation, by telling him that I don't and can't afford much. This only worsens the situation.

As I told him this, he snapped at me and started chasing after me while trying to reach out his hand for me to tug on and check my belongings. I started screaming for help, running as fast as a wolf trying to get away. Good thing the man was abit slow and couldn't quite catch up to me.

I could feel my heart pounding at an extremely fast pace as I heard the sounds of a gun being cocked in and reloading. Knowing that he was going for me, desperately running and screaming for my dear life as help never came, or until help did came, that is.

As I saw someone right in front of me and wrap their right arm around my waist and used some sort of webbing to climb on top of a building. Holding onto the masked person as we went up. I felt so relieved that the hero saved me, who knows what could've happen if she didn't show up on time.

"Hey! You okay? You almost died back there." said the hero in a feminine voice, smiling to myself, knowing who this was. "Yeah, I'm good. Thank ihsi much." I thanked.

As we were about to head down and the spider-like person was going to beat the robber and have him arrested, I said a few last parting words that made the girl all shocked and wide-eyed. "Gwen Stacy. AKA the Spider-Woman." she looked at me and said,


"You know. Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman" I told her as she places her hands on my shoulders.

She sighs, ready to reveal herself to me. I already know anyways. "Alright, I'm gonna be honest right now. Here goes nothing.." she says and takes off her mask. Revealing herself to be my best friend.

"It really is you...You're the Spider-Woman" I said completely speechless and not believing what I was seeing.

"Yeah yeah, I know. It's really surprising.. But, Y/n I'll explain everything to you.. You're just gonna have to trust me first." she told me. I nodded and she picked me up and latched on a pole with her webbing going up to the sky. Almost making me vomit from the motions and fast movings.

He swinging me around by buildings and bearly dropping me made me so nervous that I was holding onto her for dear life. Once we stopped by her apartment, she sat me down on her bed and took her mask off once more and left herself in her suit.

"This is going to sound insane but yeah it's true, Y/n. I'm the hero swinging around New York saving people defeating bad guys and all that.." she explained, sitting by the window.

"Okay, but why? Like what made you the hero we know. Gwen, there has to be an explanation for that." I told her.

She took a breath in and out and spoke, "Y/n, I'll tell what." she began.

"About two years ago, I was bitten by a radioactive spider and I felt this tingling sensation in my body as if I can hear everything, hear my thoughts and know what's gonna happen.." she began explaining.

"I was able to climb walls and crawl around like what you see all day and using these things called 'web shooters I'm able to.." she shoots a webbing which looked like it just came out of her but it's really just a mechanical thingy, leaving a spider web on her wall.

"That." she finished.

"That's amazing.. How do you do that??"

"Gwen, you know that makes you a hero right?" I said.

"Yeah, now you know. But please, Y/n don't tell anyone about this okay? It could change my life if I reveal my identity if you do.. Please don't."
(y'all know what happened in No Way Home.)

"Gwen, I promise.. Besides, promises are never meant to be broken..I'm here for you."


Heyyy, I have a new book again and I just wanted to remind you guys about it here.

It's called 'Marvel Characters As Songs' and it's basically just songs that almost resemble marvel characters and it's pretty short and I already have chapters up on it.

Check it out any time and prepare for the next chapter, it's gonna have some sudden death by an octopus 🐙😈

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