Chapter 2

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I closed my bedroom door before playing with my dress a few minutes before heading to the dining room a few minutes early; I didn't want my first day to get into trouble. Once I reached the dining table, though, I bit my lip, unsure of where to sit. Ryan pulled a chair next to me, offering it, to which I nodded my head in thanks. As we sat eating dinner, everyone asked me questions and in due time I started to feel more at home. Once Dinner was over while Ruth went to do dishes, Gracie took my hand and walked to the library with me explaining our evening entertainment.

"All day we do our chores and practice our peculiars so after dinner Mrs. Woodpecker says we should just have a moment to enjoy each other's company and relax. So Ryan will play the piano, and you can read or just chat about your day. I enjoy playing with dolls." Gracie was pointing everything out and I nodded before seeing Mrs. Woodpecker and William talking to themselves before Mrs. W patted his shoulder and nodded.

"Alright children, Ryan had a Vision today. Shall we put on a picture show?" Mrs. W clasped her hands together and everyone sat down, turning their attention to the wall where William was standing in front. Soon, in the middle of the room, there was almost a 3-D picture right in front of us. I was thoroughly impressed as it looked and felt like mist, but you could see the pictures so clearly. I recognized myself immediately, but didn't know who the other guy was.

I was chasing a guy through the Garden before he turned around angrily.

"Stop it Elizabeth! Don't you get it? I can't love you at the risk of-" He was nearly yelling at me, causing her to flinch. You could see us both broken over our fight.

"You're just saying that because of Sam and Val! I can fix this!"

"No Elizabeth. Look at me!" He grabbed my arms, tears streaming down his face. "I- I don't love you anymore."

I was impressed with how vivid William's Gift was. it was almost as if I was right there. Who could that voice be?

"Already well Ladies and Gentlemen it's time for the reset then off to bed! Elizabeth I found some books on your peculiarity that might help so why don't you tomorrow spend the day in the library reading and studying, hmm?" Mrs. Woodpecker nods as she pulls out a beautiful old clock and her pocket watch I can hear the rumbling of the flood fast approaching us. As I saw the water just about to crash into the living room, everything stopped. Time slowly started churning backward, and I watched, amazed as it became the previous night.

"Alright children, off to bed!" Mrs. W says before bidding everyone a good night and walking to her room, I assumed.

I stood up and stretched before bumping into William.

"I have to hand it to you William, you and your brother's peculiars go hand in hand. It was amazing". He thanked me and said that most of the time it helps Mrs. Woodpecker plan out days to come since it was usually a grace period beforehand. As I was walking upstairs to my room, I couldn't help but wonder, Who's voice was that? No one's here, that's for sure.

The Next day I came down for breakfast eager to get started on learning everything I could about aura peculiars. After Breakfast, I went into the living room to find on a table a drink with all the books I'm sure Mrs. W could find and a notepad. The Days turned into weeks that turned into months. I had got used to the daily schedule and every day I practiced more, harnessing my peculiarity. I had Agatha and Will helping me out once we found out how far I could go with my peculiarity. Emotions. I could see them, change them. Manipulate them. Every so Often Ryan would have a vision about me and this mystery guy, but no one knew who he was. It was coming up to my first year of living here with my new family, but I felt something big was coming soon.

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