Chapter 10

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Enoch POV *dreamscape*

I stood in front of the mirror wrapped in chains, seeing my bloodshot eyes. I heard chuckling as I saw a twisted version of me pop out from behind me. I finally remembered where I was.

I wasn't giving in. I was fighting. Fighting for her. So Val took his time with me. I can't remember how many times I saw Elizabeth die. How many times did I fall to my knees as she walked away from me, watching my heartbreak? 'Why would I love a loser like you?' Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. I begged for it to stop. They eventually did, Sam lifted my head, gazing into my defeated eyes.

"Good lad. Val here will help if you decide to get... less than useful. I assume, though, you won't fight back." I shuddered weakly, nodding. Val didn't have to even hold me down as Sam tried again. I felt Sam's temptation wrapped around me, like the devil on my shoulder, but with no angel. A twisted version of myself. Like them. Like Sam. Every time HE came around and taunted me, I could feel myself getting weaker. Sam's Puppeteering wasn't just controlling me. It was corrupting me. Wearing me down. Wanting to say yes. HE would show me visions of Elizabeth and me in ways I yearned for. Lusted for.

"You could always join them. Then you wouldn't have to have him controlling you. You could make your own decisions." He grinned as I stared into the mirror. Feeling hollow. A small smile danced across our lips.



After dinner, I walked into the kitchen to do dishes, seeing Emma and Olive look at me before I nodded, letting them know I was ok. The dizzy spell faded as I got away from Val and Sam. As I finished the dishes and headed back into the hallway, I saw the three boys huddled in the corner. Enoch leaned against the wall with his eyes closed as Sam and Val whispered to each other before Sam looked up to see me standing there. Val went over to Enoch, putting his hands on Enoch's shoulders, seeing him tense up.

"Ah, Elizabeth! Enoch was telling me about your usual nightly activities. I'm afraid Val and I need to dip out for the time being. You understand right, being new takes a lot out of you." Sam smiled slightly weaker than his normal Cheshire cat grin.

"Completely. Is Enoch staying here or were you three..."

"It was just Val and me," Sam started, before grinning quickly. "Hey, maybe you'd like to come. I honestly would love to know more about you and your peculiarity." Enoch opened his eyes before gazing at me, shoving his hands in his pockets. His chocolate eyes looked darker than normal. I didn't want to leave Enoch's side until I figured out what was going on.

"I will if Enoch comes." I turned my attention away from Enoch and back to Sam. It might be dangerous or a trap even but I needed answers and this would be the only way.

"Course doll. Anything for you," Enoch smirked, taking a hand out of his pocket and brushing my hair with his fingers a few times. I looked up through my peripheral vision and saw Enoch frown for a second before kissing my forehead.

"Let me just let someone know we're going so no one freaks out alright?" I smiled sadly, looking at Enoch's eyes. This wasn't my Enoch. I walked towards the living room where everyone was. Mrs. P looked over at me as if she knew. "Be careful, my child. Whatever they did to Enoch, don't let them do to you." I nodded before going back to the boys who stood at the front door waiting; Enoch's eyes closed again as he smiled.

"Alright, ready for a night on the town?"


Enoch POV

I could feel it. I will be getting weaker and weaker. I wanted to say yes just for all of this to stop. Sam's peppering ability was more powerful than I thought. The actual peculiar being the twisted temptation. I was me; I wasn't as helpless as I thought I would be. But anything Sam didn't like, HE would visit me with a wave of a finger. I learned quickly how to submit to Sam. I didn't like it but what choice did I have. I didn't like the alternative.

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