⚠️Chapter 13 ⚠️

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I could see the sorrow in everyone's eyes as Val spoke. His loop was just another unfortunate casualty in Sam's path. Sam uses the same tricks on Enoch that he used on Val. Once Val was finished, it was silent before I spoke up, "Can I save Enoch?"

"Have you two bonded yet? I know that's a thing with Aura-seers and their soulmates." Val asked, and I shook my head.

"I mean, we're dating? We never could figure out what we needed to do. That flower, though, in my room? Has both our blood planted with it. We never knew what the reaction meant either, though. Does that mean Enoch and I are indeed soulmates?" I had Jake run upstairs, grabbing it to show Val more closely. Val looked at it, studying it before nodding.

"Back when I knew Sam, there was still a bit of his humanity left in him. He talked about his girl all the time. He made her a blood pendant. One he still wears to this day. This right here is good news. It's still a living flower, caused by his blood and love for you. Your blood causes a glassy look to it. If you look closely, you can see the colors. Right?" He pointed towards the swirling colors and I nodded.

"That's you Elizabeth. He can see your aura if he looked at this flower. This flower won't fully bloom until you've, uh..." he paused, looking around as everyone got closer. He cleared his throat and continued, "bonded. Intimately." I blushed when I understood his words. We needed to make love. Become one.

"How does that help free Enoch?" Jake asked as Val looked at him before looking at me.

"Because it could give her a fighting advantage against Sam, thus breaking his control over Enoch. I told her why Sam wants her power badly, Sam is using Enoch not only for his gain but to use it towards Elizabeth." Souls... Everyone looked at me as my throat dried up and my hands shook.

"I can see souls."

The whole room erupted as Mrs. P tried to settle everyone down I told everyone what I thought was just an outline this entire time was, in fact, souls. Val continued explaining that as long as he had Enoch under his influence, the temptation and consuming the raw energy would change him. I agreed with him if Enoch stretched his hands out and asked for me to come with him...I would.

"Once they...bond. Elizabeth's and Enoch's abilities would grow stronger. Sam never told me exactly what happened but I do know his powers almost amplified hers and vice versa. So who knows what would happen if a Dead-riser and Aura-seer bonded."

Horace took the younger kids upstairs while the older ones stayed downstairs with Mrs. P, discussing what to do. Val would come with me, using me as bait to get us both back into the barn they had. While he would tell Sam how I overpowered him, Val and I would both use our peculiars and temp Enoch leading to us...bonding. Once that happened, we would have to figure out how to get out of there safely and back here. No one liked the idea but there were no better ones.

Val and I walked quietly through the town to the other side where on a hill sat the barn. He looked at me before grabbing a rope and tying my hands behind my back.

"Are you sure about this?" Val asked, holding a blindfold in his hands.

"Do it," I whispered as he ripped my dress up, tying the fabric around my mouth as a gag, and put the blindfold on after he threw dirt on me. Here goes nothing. I heard the tear of more fabric as I felt him by my knees. I could feel the cold air on my knees, knowing he shortened my dress. I could hear his grunts as he tore his shirt and pants. I felt him grab my arm as he helped me stumble up the hill. I started softly sobbing, at first fake but the more I thought about it, it became real. I was afraid.

I heard the loud knocking on the wood and a metal door opening. Val quickly helped me to my knees. Before calling out for the boys.

"Val! Where in the hell were..." I heard Sam yelling until it paused. I didn't need to see it, knowing he saw me. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, hearing the footsteps draw closer.

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