Chapter 5

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Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. After Closing Enoch's door and running into my room, all I could think is how stupid I opened my mouth. I enjoyed learning about his peculiarities. Watching him bring his homunculi to life. We talked about anything and everything and then he asked about his aura. When I first saw it, I wasn't afraid. He was surrounded by blackness, but I could see around his heart a faint white line. He was fighting it but he loved someone. It was sweet seeing this uncertain side of him. He could have ignored my pacing or told me to be quiet when I opened the door. I climbed into bed figuring in the morning I'd apologize to him, maybe this small bump wasn't going to cause any issues.

The next morning, I groaned as I rolled out of my bed, sleepily getting ready for the day. I continued to not be able to sleep well all night, no longer afraid of the dream, but now of what happened between me and Enoch. As I was leaving my room, Enoch was just opening his door, his hair slightly messy, but it looked cute. I probably was staring with my mouth parted open when he saw me and snapped.

"What are you staring at?" I quickly shut my mouth and looked down, embarrassed.

"Listen Enoch about last night I just wanted to say-"

"Don't. I made a mistake being nice. Just leave me alone, alright? Stay away from me." He looked at me, his face firm. I stumbled for a minute before biting my lip and nodding before rushing downstairs to the table to eat breakfast. My cheeks burned red as I kept telling myself not to cry. The one downside of my peculiarity I had to make sure I was calm and collected all the time. At risk of affecting everyone else; shaking it off so no one would notice. A few minutes after me, Enoch emerged into the room and you could visibly see he was upset, clenching his fists before hiding them at the table. Everyone else figured he was in a bad mood and luckily, no one asked. I saw Olive looking at him before turning her gaze at me and giving me a soft smile as if to say it was ok. Give him time. I nodded softly before digging into breakfast. Afterward, I was helping around the house anywhere I could. Mrs. P couldn't think of a specific task I could help with my peculiar so she just put me to basic tidying work, which I didn't mind as it kept me busy and away from Enoch. I sighed before deciding I needed fresh air and walked out to the garden, seeing everyone enjoy an afternoon activity. Olive came up to me offering a cup of tea and I smiled, appreciating it. Sitting under the shade, I watched Olive heating the teacup with her bare hands.

"How are you holding up here Elizabeth?" Olive handed me a cup, and I stirred some cream and sugar in.

"Everyone has been so nice to me, I miss my original family, but Mrs. W always said fate worked in mysterious ways."

"And Enoch?" She and I looked at one another, almost as if understanding each other's thoughts. I nodded before looking back down at my tea.

"Enoch is friendly enough. I can see what Emma and the others were saying, but last night I thought I was seeing a different side than them. I was still spooked, and he offered to keep me company. He showed me how his peculiarity worked, and we started talking about just each other. Then he asked me to tell him his aura and... I did. Guess he didn't like the answer," I sighed softly before looking up at Olive, whose aura went from confused to understanding. They dated, of course, she would have first-hand experience with his mood swings.

"I'm sure it can be confusing at first it was for me. We were happily dating after I tried forever to get with him. But then after the years past you could tell it just wasn't going to work out but we both desperately wanted it to since we were the only other older kids besides Emma and Jake, but they were together. After Horace's first dream of you and him, I started a fight. I was angry at first, I worked so hard just to see you change everything. I knew it would come true, I just didn't know the details. But after thinking about it, I realized all I ever wanted was Enoch happy. Truly happy. So I broke up with him, knowing for a while it was going to hurt. I was sad, and he was sad but I knew this was for the best. That one day you would come and eventually you and he have the romantic moments we never did. Each dream confirmed my theory, seeing his smile in those dreams." Olive took my hand, squeezed it, and smiled at me.

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