Chapter 14

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Everyone was so glad when we got back to the house ok, especially seeing what I was wearing; or lack thereof. Emma had brought me upstairs to give me a change of clothes before Olive came running in. I could tell they both were trying to be polite as I laughed.

"I can see it in your aura. Yes, we..." I blushed. As I was getting dressed, giving them as much, and little, detail of what happened, I noticed something shining out of the corner of my eye coming from Enoch's room. I slowly pushed his door open and gasped, seeing the rose on his nightstand in full bloom. It was beautiful...

"It happened maybe an hour ago. We didn't know what to think but I guess it was at the moment you guys...bonded?" Olive whispered and I held my hand out, gingerly touching the petals. Val came up with Jake in tow, carrying a bunch of books. Books from the barn, Books from our library.

"So what's the blood for because that's just as weird as Enoch keeping organs," Jake asked as Val looked at the flower.

"We need to figure out how to stop Sam, They won't be knocked out for too long and we need to be ready by then. " He had every book on Enoch's, Sam's, and My peculiars splitting up the books between the five of us. Once we had a solid plan, we started to go downstairs, waiting for Enoch and Sam to show up. I brought the flower downstairs as Val and I talked while watching the windows.

"What's it feel like?" Val asked as the flower glimmered. I stared out the window, watching for any sudden movements.

"I feel different. I feel more aware of him. We're nowhere near each other but I can feel his anger. His sadness. I feel something pulling me towards him. I want to be with him no matter what. But I can feel like he feels the same. Drawn to me. I am worried, you said we each gain sort of each other's peculiarity, could he just walk in and make everyone feel happy and line up letting Sam kill us all? Waiting to be slaughtered?" I looked at Val, who nodded, understanding my fear.

"Sam never had the exact powers, it was only almost as if it was boosting his. I don't want to lie to you; I honestly don't know. What interests me is if you look at Sam's pendant versus your flower. It speaks about you guys, see? The pendant has strings just like Sam's. The pendant's wavy designs could represent the 'auras' she sees. But look at yours and Enochs. A Dead-Riser can bring things to life from other organic materials. That's the flower itself, right?" I nod slowly, understanding as I look at both the pendant and our Flower.

"Right, the crystal design and colors floating and changing could represent mine. So what? I don't see anything different." I looked confused as Val looked at me and pointed.

"The surrounding sparkles. What is that? HMM?" He waves and the more I stared at the flower, the more I realized he was right. Those weren't coming from any light hitting the flower just right, it acted like a normal flower. Those white and silver flecks laying on top of the flowers weren't the same as the colors that floated underneath the glass showing off the colors I saw when I read emotions.

"Could Sam's girlfriend see souls?" I asked, and he shook his head. "Not that I know of." I nodded as I watched it sparkle. Souls...could I do something with people's souls? I looked at Val's damaged soul and Shouted for Emma to grab me one of Enoch's organs. Val looked confused as I hopped up, desperate to figure out if I was right or wrong. Could I... I can't heal but it's not like I can make a soul feel. If he can twist people's souls, maybe I can too. For the better.

"I think I know what Enoch gave me." I looked excited, grabbing the jar out of Emma's hand before running back to Val and staring at him. Everyone came in to see the commotion as I was grabbing the heart and watching it before it slowly started beating in my hand. Please... I held my heart up as I touched Val's chest. He realized what I was trying to do. Fix him. At first, nothing happened, and I started to lose hope. I closed my eyes tightly, begging. What else could I do? The book says so itself. A dead-riser and an Aura-seer give each other a little something from each other's peculiars. I heard a gasp from Emma as I squinted an eye open, seeing the heart glimmering, the same as the rose as it started turning black. Opening my eyes fully in wonder as it turned into dust, I saw Val feel his chest crying. He nodded, begging me as I looked and smiled at him.

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