Chapter 9

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Enoch POV

I groaned, opening my eyes slowly...Where am I? The last thing I remembered was at the pub enjoying a chat and a few drinks with Sam and Val. I felt comfortable laughing and drinking along as we talked about everything. After a few too many, I started blacking out, only remembering chunks.

"Come on, friend how's about one more?" Val whispered into my ear and I nodded, lifting my pint glass.

"Enoch follows us" Sam had grabbed my arm, helping me stumble out of the bar afterward.

I barely noticed the time loop reset as we started walking... and then everything faded to black.

I stood in front of a place... swaying smashed from drinking too much, but I heard her laughter. Elizabeth... I stumbled forward seeing her in the garden under the oak tree dancing, the fireflies were out buzzing around as I stumbled forward. She looked over to me and grinned, motioning to me with her hand.

"Elizabeth... gosh, aren't you beautiful?" I pulled her body closer to me as I leaned in before succumbing to the drowsiness.

I touched the ground, noticing hay, and put the pieces together that I was in a barn. Soon, the two boys came in and laughed.

"Well, good morning, sleeping beauty we thought you'd never wake up. Had too much fun partying?" Sam asked, helping me up and handing me some water.

"Haven't drunk that much in a long time. Thanks. Where are we?" I looked around, still groggy and Val spoke up.

"An abandoned barn right outside of town, Don't worry, we're still in the loop we wouldn't want you turning to dust. Not before Sam has what he needs." Val knelt and stared into my eyes as I uncontrollably started to laugh. Was I still drunk? No, couldn't be...

"Wh-What?" I had tried to stand up, but it was as if I couldn't move and Sam grabbed my chin.

"You asked us last night? Don't you remember? Of Course, you don't. See, Val here has the peculiar of manipulating things...people. Just a simple thought of what he wants, and it happens. Oh! And Me? Why I'm a Puppeteer. Very similar peculiars you and I, Enoch. See, every loop we went to, it would mysteriously just stop. Everyone would die. It was so heartbreaking that we would move to the next...and the next..." It suddenly dawned on me what was happening. I tried to get up but was frozen in place. Val.

"So you're going to kill everyone. For what ?" I mocked, getting angrier by the minute. Don't lay a hand on my Elizabeth!

"See, I was a young boy when I found out what I could do. Controlling people as my puppets. Do anything I want. I found some books in my first loops, which strengthened me. Now I can steal the souls from my victims. Take that raw energy and you become better. Stronger. They are addicting once you start you need more. I found out through each soul you lost your humanity piece by piece. But what was the prize? You could even live forever outside the loops. I met Val in my latest loop and he wanted the power I possessed. I saw his peculiarity and knew it would benefit me, helping me lure people into a false sense of security before I swoop in. So here we are, needing another soul-energy boost and we want you to help us. We always go in blind but when we realized this loop would be hard, well... We needed someone everyone could trust." I could feel Val behind me, staring into my back just as Sam was rolling up his sleeves.

"You, a boy who can play with death. Horace, A boy who can see visions. Well, that was a challenge I was excited about. Let them see us coming, I wasn't worried about the smaller lesser children. Easy prey. But an Aura-Seer; you're little lover? Well, my oh my, how I couldn't resist! A rare beauty she is. Val of course had to crash course on how to manipulate our auras. I'm sure she would have given us away if she saw what terrors we have on the inside. But I'm excited to taste her...Her soul might even set us for life. Or..." He laughed, grabbing my shoulders as I tried with all my might to fight back, but Val made sure all I could do was watch,"...a useful companion."

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