Chapter 6

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Enoch POV

Watching Elizabeth slowly become nothing over months did nothing but cause me heartache. I didn't want this, I just didn't want to get close to her. At first, I was glad; it was what I wanted. Was it, though? It changed after one night overhearing the girls talking.

I was in my room watching two of my dolls fight to the death. What once pleased me started to dull. I stood, needing a break, as I headed downstairs toward the library. I noticed a light on just as I heard her voice.

"Maybe Ryan and Horace were finally wrong on this one. Maybe it would be best if I just left," Elizabeth sighed as I pressed myself against the wall.

I couldn't breathe, moving my hands to my face to stop myself from yelling out. She can't leave, right? She wouldn't...right? I walked slowly back up to my room, my thoughts scattered. I looked up to see Jake and Horace talking before looking at me and going quiet.

"I-..." I probably looked like a madman as I hurried up to my room, slamming my door.

I would start watching her from a distance every once in a while. While we ate or watched a dream Horace had. I missed her smile, her laugh. I could see everyone watching me, knowing I was fighting an inner battle with myself. Jake asks why don't I just let my heart feel. I can't... I want to. I stood in the doorway watching her get frustrated at the book she kept reading every day. One day, feeling bold as she stormed off to go outside, I walked over curiously, picking up the book and skimming over it. Soulmate bonds, huh? I took the book back to my room with me to study, trying to find answers to help her. Did she think we were soulmates? Did I want us to be? Every night I'd sit outside her door listening to her weep, always a second away from knocking before I would change my mind; ending up in me trashing my room just to fall asleep and dream of her...

I did my research, finding I could make a forever rose; a piece of me and her together in the soil of a plant, and if it bloomed, it was supposed to be astounding, we would be made for each other. I talked to Fiona. She was happy to make a rosebud for me. I just needed to get everything else. I snuck into her room one night. At first, I felt unsettled, but watching her sleep peacefully, I smiled, brushing a lock of hair out of her face. I quietly pricked her finger, causing her to stir. Shoot...Don't wake up.

"Go back to sleep, doll, nothing to worry about," I whispered, shushing her back to sleep. I placed the vial with her drop of blood in my room, hidden away until I got everything else ready. The next day, I ran into town to gather more hearts to add to my collection of creatures. Running inside the house after my outing, I ran into Fiona after I saw her and Elizabeth in the kitchen.

"Is it ready yet?" I looked at her and she nodded and took a rosebud, putting it in a small plot and handing it to me.

"One rosebud, not ready to bloom yet. What are you going to do with it?" I couldn't tell her the truth and grabbed it, thanking her before leaving to go to my room. I sat at my workbench, staring at the flower. I was beyond nervous. I carefully shifted the first around the bulb before dropping the few droplets of Elizabeth's blood before pricking my finger, letting a few drops mix. I pushed the dirt back over and watered the plant, putting it on my windowsill. I guess now we wait for...something. I discarded the trash and got ready for dinner. Staring in the mirror, You can do this. It's a simple 'I'm sorry' Right? I took a deep breath before leaving my room to head downstairs.

I was a mess at dinner. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I shifted around. I'm ok to love again. I'm going to apologize. I stood at the kitchen doorway watching you do the dishes. I had debated about going into the kitchen to help you but decided to wait until my plan, for fear of, well... everything. I could see the worry on Horace's face as he started up his vision. It even made me unsettled.

Elizabeth was in the middle of the garden underneath the oak tree in the garden. Fireflies lit up the area as she danced alone, hearing the classic song 'Run Rabbit Run' playing in the background only slowed down so it gave off this creepy feeling. Soon though, I could see the Vision starting to melt before dark laughter finished.

It sounds like the laugh from the other night. Could it be about those two boys again?

I looked over at Elizabeth, who I could see was trying hard to keep her composure. It must be hard. To force your emotions to stay calm so they don't affect others. I grabbed her arm gently, looking down at her eyes.

"Are you ok?"

"Just worried what this all means" she looked up at me, understandably upset. I was walking upstairs to finish my project, worried. Should I postpone? I decided to keep going and no matter what, I would be there to protect her.


A few hours after everyone had gone to sleep, I tossed and turned until I woke up to soft knocking. I calmed my heart rate as I carefully opened the door to see a little clay doll dancing.

"Oh! Hello there little one," I smiled and picked it up as it did a little dance until it stopped moving. Attached was a carefully folded note and, setting down my little friend, I opened the letter.


I need to talk to you alone. Meet me under the oak tree tonight once everyone has fallen asleep. -Enoch

My heart fluttered as I looked outside my window to, in fact, see movement in the dark. What could he want to talk about in private? I grabbed his doll, figuring he might want it back. I poked my head out the door, waiting a moment to make sure I didn't hear any footsteps. Careful not to make as much noise as I could, I snuck out the back door slowly, making my way to the oak tree seeing a few candles lit for light. My heart jumped out of my chest, as I could see the figure more clearly. It's just Enoch... breath. I cleared my throat so as not to startle him much as he turned around.

"You came." I couldn't tell if that was a sigh of relief or disappointment. I held out his friend, and he grabbed it, carefully examining it.

"I did. Enoch, you wanted to see me?" I stepped closer to him, focusing on him. His beautiful black curls. Those dark chocolate eyes that if I stare too long, I could melt.

"I know I haven't been the most kind to you, and I wanted to say I'm sorry. For everything." Enoch looked sideways, turning away from my face and I inched closer to him. His aura is still black, but his heart. That faint outline can be seen much more clearly, He's trying to let me in. He's trying to tell himself it's ok.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. forget, I can see your emotions even if they have faded, Enoch. There's something else troubling you, though." I whispered, nestling his cheek in my hand.

I watched him slowly lift his head to look at me in the eyes as he battled with himself before he reached for my face with his hands. Slowly moving in closer, I felt my heart pounding loudly as we kissed. Suddenly everything disappeared as we kissed, only pulling away to breathe. I looked worried for a moment, like he was going to run away.

Enoch POV

I felt on cloud nine. I didn't care about anything except this moment. I'm falling for her and there's no backing down. I stared into those beautiful dazzling gray eyes, not wanting one minute of this to end. As I kissed her, it felt as if this burden I'd carried lifted. As if for the first time, I felt my heart beat again after being dormant for so long. Eventually, we both needed air and pulled back. Gasping for breath, we stared into each other's eyes.

"That was...Amazing."

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