Chapter 8

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I woke up with a jolt. Something's not right. I looked over at Enoch, still sleeping. My Enoch. My lover. Looking around his room, I blushed, knowing I must have fallen asleep while hanging out with him. I quietly, without wanting to wake him, left his room and walked into mine to get dressed and ready for the day. As I was finishing up, I decided to go back to get Enoch. I stood in the doorway, watching in amazement as he was getting dressed. He was more in shape than I thought... turned around in just his pants holding his shirt and grinned at me.

"Like what you see Doll?" he pulled me close by my waist, kissing me. I pulled away, gasping for breath, and began to blush. I had heard a commotion coming from downstairs at the front door and Enoch and I stopped what we were doing and went to see what was happening. Standing at the doorsteps were two boys who looked familiar. As one looked up and met my eyes, I recognized the pure white iris; they were from Horace's visions.

"The name is Sam, and this is my brother Val. A pleasure to meet you." Sam grinned. A grin that a Cheshire cat couldn't even pull off. The other boy; Val looked a few years younger, hiding behind Sam. He looked around as if to look for someone before his eyes met mine; tapping on Sam's shoulders and whispering to him, still watching me.

"We have been traveling around Loop to Loop just trying to find a place to call home, You wouldn't mind if we stayed here a few days? Rested our weary feet?" Sam asked Mrs. P, who I could tell was uneasy, just like the rest of us.

"Normally we try to keep to ourselves... but I suppose a day or two won't be too bad." Mrs. P looked around and nodded before sending off the children to go play. Sam and Val offered to find a room at the local Inn and pub if it made Mrs. P feel more comfortable. Enoch had grabbed my hand as we walked back upstairs to his room. I stood next to him as we looked out the window, grabbing his hand and feeling him squeeze in comfort. He stroked my back, calming my nerves. I looked outside to notice Sam staring intently at Me as he spoke to Val, not breaking his eyesight with me, before looking at Enoch. Soon Enoch shook me a little, and I blinked.

"Are you ok?" Enoch whispered, and I shook my head. "I have a bad feeling about them, Enoch,"

After that uncomfortable feeling, we had gone to our usual spot under the oak tree. Enoch was trying to comfort me, as he could tell I was visibly shaken.

"You're alright Darling I promised I'd be by your side no matter what." Enoch stroked my hair, and I nodded, leaning back into Enoch's chest. Sam and Val would hang out most of the day at the house, keeping out of trouble before leaving until it was time to come back for dinner and rest before leaving for the inn. I tried my best to steer clear of them, but something just seemed off. Every time Sam looked at me, he smiled as if to say, 'I know something you don't.'

It was soon time for dinner again, and Enoch and I made our way downstairs. I was about to sit down next to Enoch as usual when suddenly I blinked and Val was sitting in my seat. I was going to open my mouth to say something but the words never came to my mouth and I just took the extra chair next to Sam.

"Mrs. Peregrine, I can sense some of your children still are unsure about my brother and me. If it's alright with you, could I take the older ones out for a night on the town? No funny busy, just a few drinks trying to clear the air?" Sam suggested and Mrs. P didn't seem too sure.

"I don't think that's very-"

"I could just go, Mrs. P, have everyone stay here. Get a peace of mind from these two." Enoch spoke up after being quiet throughout the meal. Surprised, I looked up, he usually was the one not to trust newcomers. After dinner, Enoch, Jake, Emma, and I were in Enoch's room while everyone was downstairs chatting about what to do.

"Horace hasn't seen anything bad happening... Can we be sure you'll be fine? I don't think Elizabeth would appreciate it if you came back hurt or worse, Enoch." Jake was rubbing his head and I was draining my energy as I was trying to not let my anxiety fill the house.

"I was saving this for a special occasion but I suppose now is as good a time as any." Enoch shuffled under his bed, bringing out a single rose starting to bloom in a small pot and handing it to me. It wasn't red like any normal rose. It was alive but almost clear, like crystal. I could see colors almost flowing through it, just as anyone's aura would look like.

"I was doing some research and with the help of mine and Fiona's peculiar. Elizabeth, this flower is linked between you and me. It will flourish and thrive as long as we L-" He stopped himself before clearing his throat. I looked at the beautiful flower, nodding and holding it close to my heart before setting it down on his nightstand.

"I don't like this. All we know for certain is these boys need to leave soon. But as long as you promise you'll always come back to me, then it's ok with me." I nodded, kissing Enoch.

As we headed downstairs, Enoch grabbed his coat and a hat before giving me a final kiss goodbye as he, Sam, and Val headed off. Once they left, Mrs. W had the younger kids go off and play, saying there was a slight change of plans tonight and had Horace, Jack and I step into her office.

"No one likes this but I need to protect my children. But if these boys are dangerous, we need to have them leave. What do we know so far? Horace any more visions?" Mrs. P sat on top of her desk, sighing.

"No recent visions, unfortunately, Mrs. P. All we know is with these boys that one night Enoch and Elizabeth will fight, and from what it seems...." Horace started and looked at me sadly as I finished his sentence.

"Him leaving me... We also know little about them. What are even those boys' peculiars anyway? And Why are they hopping loop to loop? Why not stay?" I started feeling angry but Jake put his hand on my shoulder, causing me to cool down. Don't get worked up.

"We also know that Enoch will be locked up. Yelling. You're right Elizabeth, those are good questions. What about their aura?" Jake nodded, getting lost in thought.

"Yeah. I mean, they were mostly calm. Val was a little more nervous than Sam but that doesn't mean anything. Sam just seems to be more of the assertive one, with Val being on the quieter side."

"It's been almost a week since they have been here. Let the boys have their fun, but first thing in the morning, I will have them leave us. Now everyone is straight to bed. I'm going to reset the loop and rest up."

I went into Enoch's room soon after, knowing I couldn't sleep until he got back home. Sitting at his workbench, I tapped my fingers, anxiously waiting for him to walk through the door.


I woke up the next morning stiffer than a board, looking around slowly. I was sitting still at Enoch's workbench and there wasn't anything to show Enoch had come home. I worried, looking at the rose in front of me still glistening before running downstairs.

I had started to get nervous pacing the front room back and forth, feeling my peculiar zoning out to the others as Emma tried to calm me down. None of them were at breakfast and soon lunch, and Horace didn't have a vision of anything useful. Where is he...

Emma, Jake, and I decided we would go into town searching for them while Olive helped Mrs. P with the little ones. Once we left the house, we headed towards the Inn asking if the owner had seen the three boys to which he said gave information we already knew of the three of them coming here for drinks and then leaving after a few too many. We thanked him anyway as we left, heading back to the house to get a full picture of how far the loop is. Make a search party, since it doesn't feel like they would have left the loop. All we can do is wait...

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