Chapter 11

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Val started shaking, seeing I wasn't to be messed with. Val had then tried to pull one of his stunts before I pulled him forward, turning him around and slamming him into the wall. I was angry. "Now."

Val was telling me everything. In the end, he slumped to the ground, his aura turning back into its original view. I could see the damage and rot on his aura from feeding on all those souls. No wonder he had to hide his and Sam's. Val had made me understand why Sam wanted me so badly; what I saw when looking wasn't just people's emotions. Their souls. That white line around everyone's heart? Souls. I looked in the back window and saw Sam and Enoch sitting at the table, talking. Shit. Sam's soul was gone. I could see his aura on his hands, black as night, but nothing over his heart. His soul rotted. I looked at Val and felt pity. Val said he only said yes, thinking Sam would spare his family. Would spare his love; but in the end, he took everything, even making Val's first soul... his love's. At that moment, I could see not a horrible man working for Sam. I saw a young teenager afraid; only doing what he needed to do to stay alive.

"You want redemption?" Val looked up and nodded. He never enjoyed hurting people, saying Sam's power grows stronger with each soul. Just like with Enoch, Sam burnt Val down until he had no choice but to agree. Seeing Enoch's Aura I could tell, He said yes. A small singe on his soul. I nodded, grabbing his hand and we started running back to the house. My heart was beating quickly, afraid Sam was going to catch on when we didn't return soon. Turning on our road, I stopped to catch my breaths, terrified of turning back to town. I saw Sam and Enoch walking around the bar. Looking for us. I saw the fear finally hit Val's eyes. He realized he was going to make Sam mad.

"Val Look at me." I grabbed his shoulders, causing him to jump before turning his head away from town. My face turned serious seeing the boys walk this way, not yet noticing us.

"I promise. I will help you with everything I have in me. You have to trust me." Val only nodded before taking a deep breath and standing his ground; waving his hand, I could see an illusion form of Val forming on the street, causing a distraction with Sam and Enoch. Val grunted, falling to the ground as I caught him slinging his arm around my shoulders as we continued to run to Mrs. P's house.

I pushed open the door, shouting for help. Everyone rushed into the room and was stunned. Val weakened, barely conscious, and I looked terrified. I watched as Brownyn and Olive took Val and helped him to the couch to lie down Mrs. P put a hand on my shoulder as everyone looked at me for answers. I started crying as I told them what Val told me and I saw. At first, I understood everyone's hesitation, unsure if I was even an ally before Mrs. P spoke up.

"I believe you Elizabeth. We must hurry then and hide Val."

A thank you escaped his lips as the four of us hid on the stairs watching Mrs. P nod at me as she exclaimed to the children what I was doing. Calming them down so they don't show their fear. Soon they had Horrace play his movie as she stepped in between them and the front door. Olive, Emma, and I watched from upstairs as the Door jiggled. A lump caught in my throat as I gripped their hands tight as we waited for what would happen.

The door opened a moment later, and there were Enoch and Sam. I watched, holding my breath, afraid that they would give up and start attacking. I was afraid that everyone I know and love would be slaughtered because of the choices Val and I made.

"Ah boys, back already? The children are all in there watching Horrace's picture show. You're more than welcome to join. May I ask where Val is, though?" Mrs. P turned to face them as I watched her. Her duty was to protect us and so if that meant being the first to face, she wouldn't go down without a fight. Enoch leaned against the front door as Sam looked around.

"You haven't seen Val either, hmm? I was outside with Enoch, enjoying some fresh air. When we got back inside, Val and Elizabeth were gone. I was afraid Elizabeth did something to Val, so we rushed back here worried." Sam feigned worry and I could feel the anger inside of me wanting to lose control. Mrs. P turned to wink at us.

"Well, I have seen Elizabeth. She's upstairs being tended to by Olive and Emma. She came home in tears a little ago. She won't say what's wrong though, I figured the three of you boys maybe drank a bit too much again and Enoch said something to her." The three of us, understanding her words, spoke and crept to my room, trying to not make too much of a sound. Val had opened my door looking panicked, looking afraid. I could feel his fear as I waved him over, Olive helping him hide in my closet before smiling at him, reassuring him that everyone knows there is only one big bad. Sam.

I stood in the mirror taking deep breaths, trying to focus. Sad. You are sad. You are devastated over something. I blinked over and over until I looked in the mirror, Emma helping me mess up my hair as Olive poured water over my tissues before crumpling them up. I looked like a mess before I flopped on my bed. Olive cracked the door open so we could eavesdrop. The room went silent. I could feel the fear fill the room. They were buying it, or at least acted as if they were. Sam coaxed Enoch to come to talk to me. I could hear the footsteps coming up the stairs slowly as my breath hitched. Hearing the closet door shut, I looked up to see Olive leaning against it. Emma sat in the chair next to my bed and held my hand, squeezing my hand. I could hear him clear his throat as the three of us looked towards the door. Enoch...

Enoch stood there in the doorway, not looking much different closer to me. His dark hair was slightly messier than usual. A smirk danced on his lips as he watched me for a second. Just like me. Waiting for that thread. I won't give him one. I glared, pouting my lip and sniffling before sitting up.

"What do you want, Enoch?" I could see it in his eyes, I witnessed what it looked like when he had an inner battle. His chocolate eyes wouldn't let him fully hide what he was feeling on the inside. He might have agreed to help Sam and let his corruption in, but seeing me upset shook something in him. It was almost as if I was looking at one physical body, but two people. My Enoch... and something much darker. Fighting for control.

"I wanted to see you. To apologize for tonight." Enoch slumped his shoulders and leaned against the doorframe. My heart sank as I wanted to go up there and hold him. I looked away, unable to look at his face. I didn't know the details, and that's what hurt. Did he try to fight? Did he succumb easily to temptation? And What did Sam promise him? I touched the rose he gave me, which still not bloomed yet. I wanted to see what it would look like in bloom. I could faintly see colors swirling around.

"Yeah, well...go find your new friends." I stared at him, my eyes begging for my Enoch.

"Sam is downstairs. We can't find Val at all. We thought he was with you." Enoch took a step forward into the bedroom, looking around as Olive and Emma both stood up to watch Enoch.

"I think you need to leave Enoch. Whatever you did; it broke Elizabeth's heart." Olive snapped at Enoch, causing him to step back, startled for a minute before whipping his head towards me. Did he know I figured everything out? I watched him sigh before nodding and turning to head back downstairs. Stopping, he looked back up at me and I could tell that at this moment; this was MY Enoch saying, "I'm sorry Elizabeth."

After a few minutes, as we all held our breath, Olive slowly helped Val out of the closet. We waited for what felt like an eternity as we heard Sam and Enoch talk to Mrs. P before the front door closed. Soon Claire came upstairs telling us it was alright to come down. Val looked unsure before Olive grabbed his shoulder and nodded before we made our way downstairs. I watched as Val was speaking to Mrs. P in her office. Last night Horace had the dream of Me and Val running for our dear lives, both trying not to look back petrified. He showed Mrs. P, who decided to not show anyone else. I sighed in relief as the door opened and Mrs. P had her hand on his shoulder.

"Children. I know you're all a tad confused. How about we let our friend Val tell us his story."

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