10 3 3

"Hello." She says.
"Oh uhhh hi." I stutter. The elevator pings to symbol its going down i quickly step out almost falling over, before the doors close.
"Uhh. My dorm's this way." I say after a moment of silence.

We make our way to my dorm. The walk there is super awkward. I mean she's ok looking but theres just something about her thats not normal, i just can't put my fucking finger on it.

I open the door to my dorm and we walk in, and i close the door behind Vic.
"So for the music homework, i was thinking maybe we use a guitar and whatever you can play." I say sitting down on the small sofa.
"Yeah uhh, i mean i can play the piano. If you want." Her accent was becoming clearer. It was definitely British but softer than the others.
"So. Do you have a piano here?"
I sit there totally confused for a moment. "Oh. Yeah. I had a mind blank. Sorry. I think you can borrow a keyboard from will."
"K sure."

I head to the bedroom to find will's keyboard. I mean it wasn't lost or hidden. But you get the gist.
I take it off the stand and bring it back to the lounge area.
Vic is just sat there looking around like her dorm isn't like this. "Hey, I'm back." I say. I swear i could see her jump.
"Ok cool. So should we start?" 
"Yeah. Ill let you make a tune or whatever and we'll go from there."

So she does. She plays a few notes repeatedly, they were beautiful. I then start playing some strings on top of it and WHAM a jingle thing.
Homework kinda done.

"Cool. So i got my few notes. You remember yours?" Vic says after a few rounds non-stop.
"Yeah. Ill just wrote them down on my phone." I open my notes app and wrote my few notes.

We practice a bit more adding a few lines. A 5 second jingle turns into a 15 second tune. "I think thats it done." I say.
"Yeah. I better get going. My meeting's in five minutes." Vic says.
"I can walk you back....." i start.
Then the room turns cold "Im capable of walking myself. Ill see you around Jake. Bye." Just like that se left.

—  — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Hi guys. Thanks for reading. Sorry this chapter is short. Just kinda a filler.

So what do you think about Vic?
And what about Jake's new friends?

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Love ya x

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