Final authors note

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Omg guys thanks so much for reading.

Ok i really wanna hear your thoughts.
The ending,
Jakes death? Who cried? Im sorry.
Ok fav character?

Im soo thankful for all the reads, comments and votes Ive had from everyone. Remember i can still edit the shoutouts. And remember to check out everyone that was mentioned because they're all amazing. And if you havent been mentioned i'm still thankful.
This is my first completed story. 🎉 YEY 🎉
constructive criticism welcome. Mean and nasty comments not.

I wanna know, would yous like to read a sequel or maybe a prequel on the 'school', vic or even the safe space in loch ness?
Leave your thoughts.

Ok i love you all thanks so much. And please check out my other works (when they're done.)

Love ya x

Love ya x

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