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"How? Thats impossible." Adam asks.

"I don't know. A teacher mentioned it only being able to happen from someone who has the gift to mimic or take others powers. But they're just myths." Vic explains.

"Who was it?" Aubrey asks concerned. Obviously because she knows way too many people for her own good.

"Was he a ghost type dude? Blonde hair?" I ask.

"Yeah. How'd?" Vic starts. Then theres the horrifying moment of realisation. "You?"

"I didn't know at the time. But the timing was too coincidental. Plus I'm the only one in this entire school who hasn't been classified." I say looking down. "Is he gonna be ok?"

"Yeah just not a ghost anymore."

I see Adam and Aubrey back off slightly.
Why me? Why couldn't i be....

My trail of thought was cut iff my the principal entering my room. "By this scene Im assuming you're the one that stole his powers?" He says.

"Thats what we think." I say ashamed. I ruined his life.

"Good. Josh, the kid who was a ghost, said thanks. He can now go home and his parents wont abandon him. But you're going to need training. Your trainers will be shields. And I'm sorry but you're gonna be out in isolation. Until you can control yourself and not take others gifts." My father says obviously listening to the conversation.

"What the fuck dude!!" I yell at him.

"SHOW ME SOME RESPECT BOY!!!!" He yells at me. And i remember why mom left him. His short fuse.

"Don't worry Jake. You're gonna be okay, some others have don't this like the pack. Ill pack some stuff like books." Vic says reassuring me with a gentle hand on my shoulder.

I wish she could stay with me forever. My dad clicks his fingers i assume to signal some kidnappers to take me. And sure enough a bunch of men and women restrain me.

They start taking me away when vic pushes past them to me. She doesn't hesitate and pulls my face to hers and kisses me. Her soft lips are just like heaven and it is. Its heaven. Its like my while body is on fire just by her touch, like nothing matters because shes here.

Then the fucking bastards pull me away from her breaking our kiss. Breaking our piece of heaven.
They put some sorta bag over my face so people cant see who i am. And i have no clue where I'm going.

When they take the bag off me I'm in some sorta jail cell. Theres no windows and the lighting is shit. It looks like an underground bunker. Or torture chamber, and not the one you want to be in with a hot chick.

The guard people leave me and lock the door behind them. My cell ain't so bad. At least they have walls around the toilet. The bed is barely a bed though. And theres nothing to do.

Did i mention the chains on the wall opposite my cell? And i hope not blood stained everywhere. Im here all alone. Just because i wasn't told about these fucking powers everyone seems to have.
Im about to sink to the floor and cry. But before the first tear rolls down my cheek i see something carved i to the wall next to where I'm sat.

Its words. I can barely make them out.
It lols like 'uic wos ne7e' Vic was here.
And then there's hope again or me hallucinating. Knowing that I'm not the only one. And Vic seems ok and not dead gives me hope.
But theres more. '1883' that was over a century ago. And when the school opened.

Its gotta have been a few hours. Then i hear a door open then a few voices and someone comes in. But its not my friends just another guard who is also a shield.

"Your friend Victoria gave these to me saying they are for you. She also said that she wishes you the best and that she loves you." The guard says as she passes me the box.

I take it and sir on my 'bed' looking inside it and the only thought i can think is 'she loves me'

Vic was so kind she snook me some candy, the really old book i never finished, a blanket and some other books from the library. And at the very bottom a picture.
If me and her from our first date when we snook into that photo booth.  And on the back theres an inscription.

'Just incase the guard forgot to tell you, i love you.
You're strong enough to get through this.  Ill be thinking of you
Vic x'

"I love you too" I whisper to myself.


In 3 month you can learn a lot or nothing. I learned a lot about the book. Im almost finished again considering thats all i do. Eat sleep train and read. I have one more entry left to read. And thats vic's in 1967 i might've read the recent ones first tho.
Trainers are all shields luckily I haven't stolen their powers yet or anyones for that fact.

I Can't prove that its working though. I can give them the ghost thingy temporarily , like a second, but thats all i can do, after all they're shields.
Its just self control really.

Its a lunar eclipse soon. On a full moon. Ive had some other lessons about abilities. Its helped a bit. The eclipse is gonna prove if i am one of the mortem pair.
Or make me go mad because i can't control my powers.
Ive been told I've improved enough to go back to my dorm. Im also pretty sure my American accent has become less noticeable.

3 months of self isolation, and tonight I'm gonna be free. Ish.


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