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After an hour the bus arrives and i wake Vic up. We take our stuff on and get a good price. Only £24.72 because we are amazing. I felt generous. And Vic was watching.

The driver said it would take around 6 hours in no traffic so maybe 7. And all we could do is sleep. We wait at the back and Vic just looks ill. "He's a shield." She manages to croak out before coughing blood again.

The herbs kept her evil side away but weakened her enough to become this ill. The driver keeps looking at us obviously knowing what we are. He must've heard about us. But he just thinks...

'They're suspicious
No be kind they're just two lost souls. God bless.
What if they're gonna assassinate you for knowing. Maybe they're going to the purgatory for supernaturals. I could tag along.
Thats weird. No i will live my life normally' that was it. A train of thought. But if he was a shield. SHIT. I lost control again. He doesn't have to know. Does he?

Ive spent ages weighing out my decisions of the last few hours. None end well. The driver stops again.

"Edinburgh." He yells at us. Vic is still sleeping so i carry her out with. Our luggage. Wolves have great strength. Great to mimic. She wakes up when the bus leaves. I think I've got everything

"We here?" She asks.

"Not yet a few more miles to the loch ness." I say.

"What about the herbs."

"Theres some here. Just hold on." I say before transforming onto my wolf that i discovered was extremely painful to do. Breaking bones ripping skin and being a wolf. Hard work. Gotta give it to the packs.

Vic tries to talk but i motion for her to get on my back and she does after strugling to lift our bags on. The bus driver helps. Its painful to watch. She looks so weak but i know shes the strongest person alive.
I start running because i know dark doesn't last forever. Even though its just turned night im not taking chances, not with Vic.
I cant risk people seeing me.

After a few hours we are almost there. Another half hour if that. Im becoming tired and hungry but im taking no chances. If only i could take her powers from her so she doesn't have to carry the burden.
Yet that would rip her of her immortality and she would perish almost immediately. It would be a painful death. So no. We have to get to the loch ness. For her sake.

Vic starts waking up from her nap.
"How far?" She murmurs.

"Not far." I try to say but obviously she cant hear me.

"Jake." She starts. Her beautiful voice. Then she stops. And its like she fainted. I only start running faster. In hope we can get there quick enough to save her. I had a supernatural call ahead. She'd helped hundreds of other supernaturals get to the loch ness. So they are waiting our arrival. With food and herbs for Vic.

15 minutes...
5 ...
And i can see it.
Beautiful and hidden. Only supernaturals can see it. To be exact, only supernaturals in need can see it. Suddenly im unable to move. Well my feet are moving but im going no where.

I change back into human form to check on Vic.

But its not Vic. Her body starts floating a black cloud surrounds her changing her conscious to her evil self. Again.

Luckily my clothes stayed on, god knows how. But i think Vic called her Persephone, after a goddess or some shit like that.

But she's there now standing inches away from me. Looking healthy, full of life and bitchy.

She looks me in the eyes and smiles before asking "Miss me?"

"Not in a million fucking years" i spit at her.

"You forget i can wait that long. Immortality and that." She starts not letting me reply. "Yeah but you are a problem. Trying to get rid of me. Thanks for forgetting the herbs today. Its after 4am by the way. So you are causing me problems. So im going to have to kill you. And im sorry if this hurts. But another thousand or so years and another mortem will come along."

"You need someone in my blood line and im the last so far." I tell her. I mean somehow i remember this but chemistry is gibberish.

"Remember what you have never told anyone? When you were what? 15?" She says brining the one thing i buried so deep she couldn't know.

"How? You cant know, no one does." I stand there frozen. This could ruin me. And Vic. It would break her.

"Jessy's sister?" And she knows.

"Jessy's sister?" And she knows

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