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"Sorry. But we took an oath. You'll just have to read the book. We are literally unable to tell you anything." Adam spits at me whilst continuing to stuff his face with his sandwich. It looks so disgusting im pretty sure ima to throw up in my mouth.

Me and Will decided to not tell the others about the 'Lola incident'. But Will pretended he never knew when Lola was around. Which was all the time. She had him eating off her hand.

Its now last lesson. I have mr Davids again.
Me adam and Ash get there early. "Ah. Moi  studente preferito"
"Italian?" Ash asks is complete and utter awe.
"Theres just something about Italian that makes me want to puke." Adam buts in.
I just laugh.

"Find your seats."mr davids says again. "Jake I forgot to ask last lesson. How did the homework go with Vic?"

"Uhh. Pretty ok. I guess." I reply sitting down avoiding eye contact.
I hear a snicker from Adam who then decides. 'Hey lets ruin Jake's day because im an asshole.'
"Surprised they haven't done the deed yet"

"Dude. He's mine remember." Ash argues almost punching him in the face then turning to me. "Don't worry babe. I got you."

"I would sat thanks but no." I say bluntly.

Ash just puts his hand to his chest shaking his head way to dramatically.
"I thought what we had was real!" Then we laugh. Because it's pathetic.

"Alright you three. Save this for drama class." Mr Davids says before the rest of the class arrives. Last in is Vic. Her hair in a perfect plat. Her eyes amazing and Vic. Just breathtaking.
"Pssst." Someone says in my direction. I look up from my daydream. Theres a guy. Deffo jock and hes holding a piece of paper in between his fingers and staring right at me.

I grab it fiercely and unfold it in almost secret. Turns out the blindspot ain't so blind after all. Someone had a photo of me and Jessy when she made her move on me.

Which just brought back some unhappy memories. The most frequent being Lola tryin to make me hook up with her. And then when i was 10. When Jessy had just asked me out. That McDonald's was the best i ever had.

But it was 7 years ago. I was over it. I turned the photo over and written in the back in bright bold red ink read:

'Principals boy isn't as perfect as we thought-
Messing around with a new innocent girl'

How could this happen??!!
Not many people knew that the principal was my father.
Plus Jessy was far from innocent.

But Jessy did. And she obviously wanted to get back together. Even though i hadn't seen her in days. I look back at who gave me the note. An unfamiliar face. Like most people at school. But i was stuck with the burden.

Of being the principals boy.

Before i can react the paper is taken by another person who sees it and laughs.
I might as well be viral. The speed its traveling.

Mr davids doesn't notice the class.
Then a few pings. We check our phones.
Whilst mr davids is explaining something musically. I open my instagram.

'You've been mentioned in (5) posts by J@c3.is.g0d

who is that?
I open the posts.

The same photo is attached and message.
The next is worse. Its a fan-art by Lola of me and her doing it.
The third is justify as bad. Its me conspiring against everyone. At least it hints that.
The fourth me an Jessy.
An the last one. Is unable to load 🔄

Huh? Before i ask ash or adam what the fuck is going on. The tannoy makes a fucking announcement. Which cant be good.

"Please can Jacob Campbell report to the principals office. Jacob Campbell"

Theres an 'ooooooo' noise by the class and  someone says. "Jake gotta see his daddy. Boohoo."

I ignore it well i woulda if i didn't flip the whole class off. But i see Vic in the corner of the class whilst mr Davids is lecturing the kid.
She's looking at her phone horrified at least it seems. Then Vic stares at me. Water in her eyes. Shaking her head.

"Right Jake you better be going."   Mr Davids says snapping me outta my trance.

Why did Vic look so upset.

So i make my godforsaken way to my fathers office. The few people in the corridor giving me a condescending look and trying not to be seen anywhere near me.

I knock on the door. And no answer.

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