"Your happiness it is woth for me, sir"

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The superheroes jumped in different ways "You can't escape" Mayura shouted and ran after Cat, she quickly caught him up and grabbed his ring before dropping the hero from the house, the boy fell hard on a car, but does not hurt himself. Mayura proud put the ring on before she looked around trying to figure out where the other hero was and started jumping in the other direction, she hadn't realized who the cat really was because the only thing that mattered was that she had the ring, she didn't see Ladybug anywhere, but it was clear that she was coming back to defeat her. She stopped, all of a sudden her vision went black, she had lost her consciousness and now found herself on the street. "Of, I must have fallen off the house" she realize and was a little annoyed that she was running out of time, she jumped back onto the roof, now she see Ladybug running towards her. "Oh, here comes the 2nd piece of jeweler" she called and pointed to the ring, "MON DIEU" the girl screamed disbelief and stopped. "You will so regret that" she cried and ran towards her "Blind because of rage" thought Mayura triumphantly and simply jumped to the side, she saw the tears sparkle in her eyes and the villain dodged every single attack skillfully. Ladybug wiped frustrated the tears from her face. "Let's play cat and mouse, oh wait you lost the cat" she said victoriously and started jumping over the rooftops, make sure she's being followed by Ladybug. At some point she managed to pull the surprised Mayura to the ground, "You will bitterly regret that" said the heroine and held Mayura with the yo-yo and threw her with all her strength from the houses. The woman felt herself slam against a wall and passed out again for a few seconds, Ladybug was right in front of her when she came to and she was just able to jump away before the girl could grab her. The bug girl jumped after her without a pause. Mayura felt lighter and was scared as she realize that she had lost the Butterfly Miraculous in the fall. "Merde" she said angry, realizing that she had less and less time and next time she might maybe not be able to escape, she had no choice and call Algojútor back, suddenly she felt the unbearable pain again, she knew it give her maybe a little more time. She gasped as she felt the full flood of pain all at once, she almost lost control of it, but she had to keep up, she knew she had gone into this fight alone. Ladybug managed to catch Mayura again who was in pain, she grabbed the ring and was about to reach triumphantly  the Peacock Miraculous when suddenly someone threw her away and saved Mayura "Mayura, everything will be fine..." she heard a voice saying to her before falling into an endless void. "Gabriel" she heard herself whisper, then she wake up. Duusu flew excited around her "MISS NATHALIE" the blue kwami ​​scream and hugged her crying "I was so scared about you" said Duusu, Nathalie was still disoriented and had no idea what exactly happened, her heart was racing and she felt heavy. She took a deep breath and when she had calmed down, she looked around, she was sitting in Gabriel Agreste's bed. She was alone in the room with Duusu, she got up and immediately had to lean against the next wall, she felt so weak. "Nathalie" cried the kwami ​​scared and tried to help her, which made Nathalie smile. She take all her strength and go to the door. The house was quiet, she have sleep a long time, she walked quietly to the office and leaned against the wall several times not to fall down again, "Mon Dieu, how I hate being weak" she thought angrily and entered the work room, Gabriel had his back to her and had slammed his hand against the wall. "Gabriel...?" she wanted to say something but her voice was just a faint whisper. He turned to her and looked at her in surprise, she started to walk towards him but just lost her balance again, he quickly take her and put her on a chair "How are you?" he asked hastily, she could read his worries from his face, "It's ok" she whispered and smiled weakly. "Shall I get you a glass of water? Do you want to sleep or do you need something else?" he questioned her worried, which made Nathalie laugh how much it was allowed to her, "A glass of water would be nice" she whispered and saw how Gabriel left the room with quick steps. That he was so worried made her blush. She closed her eyes "I really need to regain my strength" she thought and opened them again when she heard Gabriel come into the room, he handed her the glass of water and as she drank it she felt at least regain her voice. she already knew what was happened now. "I failed," she said quietly and looked at her hands, which were now holding the empty glass. "NATHALIE WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?" he yelled at her "I'm sorry" she said without looking up "YOU SHOULD NOT USE THE MIRACULOUS ANY MORE" he continued yelling at her "YOU COULD HAVE LOST YOUR LIFE...! ", "Wouldn't it be worth it?" she asked, now looking directly at him. He said nothing... "NO DAMN YOU ARE ONLY TO HELP ME AND NOT GET YOURSELF IN DANGER! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?" he asked again, now it was her who was silent, "Nathalie, why did you put yourself in danger?" he asked her again, but a little quieter "Do you actually know how much your son suffers every day? I just want this family to be happy again..." she said determinedly and then added sheepishly "...and that they're happy are sir...THAT IS WORTH GIVING MY LIFE!" "Nathalie... I don't want to lose her too" he replied "I almost made it, then you would have Emilie back, that would be worth it, or not?" she asked, Gabriel didn't know what to say, both of them were silent for a while... "Nath...please don't do this again...I have a new plan, but I need you for that. So please don't do anything stupid, okay ?" he asked, she nodded. "You should rest" he said and before she could speak again he had picked her up, she gasped in shock and said "I can walk myself", "I don't think that" he answered calml and carried her to her room . Her heart was beating wildly in her chest and she hoped he didn't notice that she had blushed. He gently sat her down on the bed and brushed a strand of hair away from her face. "Get some rest" he said and left the room. She lay down, she was very exhausted, "Miss Nathalie, I'm glad you're fine," Duusu said and snuggled down on the pillow in front of Nathalie, who smiled at her. She still wondered what had happened, but that could wait until later.

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