CHAPTER 13- Above Bridges

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"It's been 3 months since you guys have been put together, so why have you guys still not improved as a team? Even if you've all been training alone so far, isn't three months more than enough for all of you to showcase better teamwork? It's like I'm watching 4 individuals performing instead of a group. Seo Kitae, can't you control your team?", the main producer criticized, and the evaluation room was tense, the eyes of producers, managers, and trainers in disappointment.

The practice room was quiet. Only the ticking of the clock can be heard, and by then 40 minutes had passed with 3 of the group sitting separately and aimlessly on the floor, leaning against the walls, doing nothing.

The door finally opened and Jaeryeong went in with his bag slung on one side of his shoulder, his face similar to the rest of the members upon entering.

"Where were you?," Kitae asked with no expectations.

"Something came up," Jaeryeong replied unconvincingly.

Kitae got up, irritated, and stood in front of him, right by the door, "Then what is it? Explain so we'll at least make an effort to understand. This isn't the first time. It's been 40 minutes. Why? Have you gotten even lazier? Was the situation yesterday not a big deal?"

The 16 year old boy kept silent.

18 year old Kitae groaned in frustration, "You, I have been lenient enough with you. You come and go whenever you like, but out of all of us you also have the poorest performance. Is it even true that you've trained here the longest among us? If you have enough conscience, you should be the one to train three times harder than us. Because of you, all of us are affected. We're no longer individuals anymore, we're supposed to be a team! So you better stay alert! I'll let you off again this time, but the next time, I don't want to see you mess up even once," he snapped, turning back.

"Why is it because of me?," Jaeryeong said without looking up.

The air turned stuffier, and the whole room stared at Jaeryeong.

"Didn't you hear the producer? It's because of your incompetence," he said with no fear.

Kitae erupted, "Hey!"

"You must not know how tiring it really is to deal with someone like you, kid," Chunyoung scoffed in the midst of the tension.

For the 3 months that they trained together, they were never even the slightest close to each other, they were merely co-workers in training. And Chunyoung, who never uttered a word of complaint nor spoke much, called him out for the first time.

It intimidated Jaeryeong, but his blank expression never changed.

Chunyoung got up, "Jeez I really never planned to curse but this thick-skinned jerk is just making things hard. Why? Is there something wrong with what Kitae just said? Do you think all this is unfair for you? I don't care what excuse you want to make and I don't give any ounce of care about whatever goes on in your life. But, you're not the only one who hates this. We all have our own problems but we're sticking through it even if every single day feels like a drag. So just put up with it. Stop whining, and accept that your selfishness is what's causing all of our problems. And if you think what I'm saying is wrong, just quit. Nobody's forcing you anyways." Chunyoung raised his tone at him and rushed out, slamming the door behind him.

Those left behind looked away from Jaeryeong and sighed in exhaustion. Jaeryeong couldn't look at anything else in the room except the floor that was vibrating. The world around him was trembling.

Chunyoung gazed into the clear skies cottoned in the fluffiest clouds and at the gray houses and vehicles blanketed in snow that went about under the building. He hoped sitting there on the rooftop, under the parasol that blocked the snow dancing gracefully would just cool his head, if it was even possible. Then after hours, time will pass and the world will move again.

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