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-Alia Romano-

"Shit." I groaned. The blood seeping past my fingers in an attempt to hold the blood in.

I left Evret behind after he forced me to leave.

Getting shot sucks.

I stumbled into the hospital lobby. No one noticed me. So I continued to walk to the nearest bed.

My hair was caked in mud. My clothes probably the same.

I payed in the empty bed, leaving the curtain open.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket.

"Hello?" The sweet voice answered.

"Bed 6. Might need stitches." I groaned.

The phone hung up and I heard quick steps coming toward me.

"When are you going to learn that you're not indestructible?" Winter said, her tone holding anger.

"Hello to you too, my beautiful and amazing girlfriend." I tried a bit of humor.

She put her hand up to silence me, "Don't."

She quickly got to work with removing the bullet from my side and stitching me back up.

She even had the curtesy to check my other stitches. The ones on my shoulder from just nearly a few days ago.

I sat up when she finished, removing the gloves rather angrily.

"Winter." I tried.

She stood up forcefully and left, closing the curtain.

I dropped my body back on the bed and simply just gave up.

Whatever she gave me started to make my eyes heavy.


"I'm done."

I had tried to prepare for the conversation after but apparently this is not what I was expecting.

I opened my eyes, "What?"

"I'm done." She repeated, "I can't just sit around and watch you hurt yourself anymore."

I sat up, "Winter what are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." She leaned off the wall, "You come in almost every week, expecting me to just patch you up and then you go out again?"

"I can't do this anymore Alia. I can't sit and watch you hurt yourself over and over again and then be the one to repair the damage." She looked at me with hooded eyes, "What happens if you come in the next time and you lost half of your intestines? What happens when the bullet is lodged in your heart?"

"It won't happen," she cut me off.

"You can't predict that Ali. No matter how careful you are, no matter how much armor you wear, you cannot predict where the next bullet with strike." She said in such a soft tone.

I had nothing to say. What could I say?

"I'm not going to keep patching you up just so you can go get hurt again. Trust me, if I could, I would strap you to this damn bed to keep you from going out there again, but somehow you will always find a way to not listen." A dry laugh escaped her lips.

"You are not invincible Alia Romano. You are human. And humans can die from even paper cuts."

I couldn't look at her. I just nodded my head and I did agree with her. I act like I have titanium skin and bones. Yet I still can't seem to stop myself from going out into the field.

"I talked to Alessio," she said in a whisper. This made me look her in the eye.

"You what?"

"He said your off duty till all of your wounds heal. All 10 of them Alia." She said.

"Why would you do that? You know-"

"I did it because I love you. And I don't want wake up to find you in a casket the next day. None of us do." She whisper-yelled.

"You will come in next weekend for a checkup. I will not be conducting it. But Alessio doesn't want you doing anything that requires you to pick up a gun or blade for the duration of you absence." God she spoke so formally.

"I'm done Alia. Seriously." She dipped her head and crossed her arms over her chest.

I situated myself on my elbows. As much as I hated my next words, I couldn't stand to hurt her any longer, "Okay. If it's what you want, then okay." I had to keep myself from letting the tears slip.

She nodded and before she left, I saw the tear fall from her eye. She came up to me and pressed a kiss to the corner of my lips and finally left.

It was then I let my body rest and I just cried.

Pretty sure I broke something but I couldn't care to remember.

After about 2 hours, Evret entered from the other side of the curtain.

"You look like shit." He joked.

I turned my puffy emotionless face towards him. He winced.

"What happened?"

"My girlfriend just broke up with me." I said blankly and went back to staring at the ceiling.

Evret didn't speak. He sat in the chair next to my bed and took my hand in his.

The feeling of his touch made me break. I couldn't help the small sobs that escaped with my tears.

It was even more helpful that neither of us said anything. He just sat there and comforted me.

What would I do without my best friend?

Hell I'd probably die. Or want to.

A few minutes later, Reina, the lobby nurse, came in and handed me my discharge papers.

The round lady wobbled across the room and checked my wound before slipping out of the room.

Evret signed me out and helped me to the car.

It was a warm night, like any in a New York Summer. But I just felt cold.

Everything around me felt cold.

Like Winter.

First chapter???

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First chapter???

I really have nothing to say but I would like to share that I got sick twice in less than a week.

The first time was caused by my crush, the second was caused by my little brother... and get this, both their names start with a K........ hate it here. But I'm fine now.

Anyways... thoughts? >>

Enjoy loves!

-S 💞

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