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-Matteo Rossi-

"We will burn the world down together." She whispers.

"Go out with me." I blurt. She stares at me for a moment, "Just a date. I'll take you anywhere you want."

Her smile... fuck her smile is beautiful. She nods and the world beneath me almost swallows me whole with excitement.

I placed my lips on hers again, my tongue colliding with hers.

She tastes so good. Like honey. And she smells like the first bloom of lavender in spring.

Despite everything that has happened, whether she knows it or not, I will always have her back.

I will always want to be the person she runs too and for a while, she has been.

As will she will always be the person I run too.

I cried on her shoulder earlier.

I tried my best not too because I knew she needed me more than her, but her words broke me, and I couldn't help the tears after what I heard.

I knew she knew that I was crying. And the fact that she didn't particularly care actually sparked something in me.

Most people want their sadness to be recognized. But not me. I used to be judged for it and since, I've pushed my feelings under a rock and forgot about it.

When Evret shot, the way he sounded in the car, the way he looked in the mirror, I drove all the way to the hospital half way blinded because of tears.

When Alia told me she just lost her other half, I promised myself that I would become her other half for the sake of everyone, including Ev.


Me and Alia walked out of her room, her in front of me.

Alessio stopped us at the end of the hallway, "You have to listen," he started. His hand went up when Alia opened her mouth, "Just listen."

Alia stared at him for a moment and nodded.

"The information I was given, stated that Tyler didn't have clear evidence of what you two looked like. At the time, he had a choppy video of you and Ev at the warehouse, I looked over the footage and your face was barely recognizable. I sent you on that mission, knowing it was safe but I obviously underestimated him."

Alia put a hand on her hip, "I just wish you did more than one background check. Double. Triple even. You should've known. He had our names." She urged.

Alessio looked at the floor, "I know. I know and I completely blame myself for it all."

"I don't want to fight with you. And I don't want you to beat yourself up over all of this." Alia placed her hand on his shoulder, turning his gaze up, "We've had too much heart break for a month." She nodded and pulled her brother in for a hug.

"Go home. Get some rest, we will find the bastards tomorrow, or the day after, and we will rain hell on them."

Alessio gave her a weak smile and nodded.

"I'll take her home." I say when he looks at me.

He gives me a nod and watches Alia walk off before stopping me.

"Six feet under. Unmarked grave. In the middle of the Sahara desert." He whispers and pats my back before walking away.

He'll never find out any ways. Not until we tell him that is.

I followed Alia out to the car, opening the passenger door for her then getting in the driver seat.

I saw her fidget with the ring on her finger, that being at least the fifth time in an hour she has.

"Do you want to go get some ice cream?" I asked.

She looked over at me with a confused look, "We could go get a tub from Walmart and a bunch of toppings and then we can go back to my place and watch some movies?" I offered.

"We're going back to your place?" Her brow lifted.

"I-I mean if you want to." My grip tightened on the steering wheel.

I shouldn't have insinuated that I was going to take her to my place, I should've asked her first.

"How big is your movie selection?" Her head tipped down.

I looked over at her and instantly reached over to intertwine our fingers. I felt a rush of warmth through her hand and couldn't help the smirk on my face.

"It's pretty big. Some would call me a movie critic." I say casually.

"I-Uh...yeah." Her voice is nothing but a mere whisper.

I squeeze her hand. A bright smile was pointed my way.

I have other plans then movies, and the way she played with my rings, meant she did also.


"Go ahead and pick a movie, I'll get the ice cream." I point to the bookcase that held 4 shelves of movies.

I turned to the kitchen and make my way to the bags we set on my island. I started unpacking the bags of junk food we had bought.

I momentarily stop when I felt her hands circle around my waist and trail up.

"What if..." her nails moved towards the buttons of my shirt, "We forget about the movie," she undid the first button, "And do something else." Her hand slipped under the fabric.

I groaned, because she has every idea of what she is doing to me right now.

"And what is this something else?" I played her facade and turned in her light grip, catches her wrists.

She hummed, "It includes less clothes and a lot of kissing."

I leaned down to place a kiss on her lips. Letting her find whatever control she wanted in the moment before I pulled back.

"But the ice cream will melt." I fake pouted as I looked at the small pint of triple chocolate brownie swirl.

She smirked and pulled a drawer open between us, grabbing a spoon and the ice cream.

"Better get naked then." She tilted her head.

Happy Mother's Day!!!

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Happy Mother's Day!!!

Don't read the next chapter around your mother unless you want to be more of a disappointment then you already are.

I mean that with the most amount of respect as you are willing to take. 😭

Enjoy loves!

-S 💞

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