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-Matteo Rossi-

She has the strongest barrier and a beautiful soul. Yet she let the Black Cat get to her?

I can't even begin to imagine what she went through.

Those thirteen days were hell for all of us.

But a part of me actually missed her.

We ended up finding her in an abandoned warehouse towards Jersey.

How she got down there is the question.

Images from that day still play in my head.

Her face bloodied, her arms tied a over her head. She was limp as she hung from her arms. The bruises of the ropes were there for almost months.

Her shirt was marred in the back. Every last slash visible.

Some were gone over multiple times without care.

It was the first time I had looked at her differently.

It was the first time I stopped looking at her as just my best friends little sister and as this strong, woman who survived the Black Cat.

I was the one who cut her down and carried her to the ambulance.

I still remember her body shaking against mine.

She doesn't know it was me who carried her. Who stayed in her room for days after.

I pushed back a strand of her hair, the morning sun hitting her face.

The puffiness around her eyes had gone down a bit. She was breathing peacefully and slept simply unbothered.

All while I held her.

She was warm. I liked that.

Her body shifted in my arms and I went impossibly still.

She went still also.

Her breathing was no longer the slow sleep ones, but the ones that you have when you first wake up.

"Matteo." She spoke.

I hummed.

"Shit." She murmured. I felt her move again, her lashes fluttered against my chest.

"You're not wearing a shirt." She said.

"I'm not." I played along.

"And I'm not wearing a shirt nor pants." She said.

"That is also true.

She groaned and sat up. Her arm kept the blanket wrapped around her body, covering the black lace she was wearing on her top half.

I caught a glimpse of the matching black of her sheer panties from the back.

Alia turned to face me, her brown hair falling against her shoulders.

Her other hand rubbed what I assumed was the ache of a headache from the alcohol.


"Alia." I smiled up at her.

"You're shirtless, and I'm only in my undergarments." She said.

I nodded my head.

"I'm being serious!" She pushed my chest.

A deep chuckle came from me, "You asked me to stay, that was it. We didn't do anything."

Her eyes held a bit of confusion.

"You drank an entire bottle of tequila and then tried to get me to fuck you." I said bluntly.

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