21- Heart storm

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21| heart Storm

The rain is coming down hard, an intensity frightening and so uncharacteristic for this time of year.

Early summer and these storms are already suggesting it's going to be a rough one.

The morning didn't give any sort of warning that the weather her would change so drastically in the afternoon- it was quite a contrasting sight with it's sunshine and white fluffy clouds that have now been replaced by their evil twins - the grey rain clouds that have been pouring merciless raindrops all afternoon.

It started with the drops steady and soft, falling from a sky of white velvet. They come altogether and yet as pioneers. And though she was soon quite wet.

Rain in and of itself isn't the worst, and though it's the cause of floods and slippery roads, it's far more manageable and tolerable compared to the loud, threatening thunder and winds that sound a lot more terrifying than they really are.

The gloominess of the outdoors and poor weather conditions are not only perfect for staying at home, but they also don't allow many other options.

She had never cultivated the habit to bring an
umbrella out with her. Between cursing herself for not checking the weather forecast before she left the house.

The rain came as if intent to water her, to share its bountiful life force, to nurture her soul until it was ready to be present in world, ready to see with fresh eyes.

An umbrella couldn't protect you; driving isn't advisable; even if you have a reason to leave your home at a time like this - you don't.

You better cancel everything unless you want to be beaten and battered by the force of the raging storm that has taken firm hold of the city and doesn't seem too keen on letting go or even loosening its grasp.

However, there always has to be at least one person to break the pattern or rules. Today, it's y/n.

With all the reasons to stay at home in mind, she's mentally cursing himself for what she's doing - leaving the warmth, comfort and safety of her house to go out. But again meeting Jayeun will not be in vain.

The material of her black hoodie and jeans was soaked in no time, her shoes could no longer resist the water that pushed their limits every time she mistakenly stepped in one of the dozens of puddles on the street or sidewalk.

She cringed at the uncomfortable sensation of her socks soaking around her toes, but it was too late to turn around, so she persisted forward.

With her head hung low, eyes fixated on the pavement below to avoid as many puddles as she could.

Once in front of the bookstore. Her eyes got shook when she read the closing note in the closed door.

Damn my luck.

It's warm and cozy looking interior, coupled with the golden fairy lights that lined tssshe windows despite it not being Christmas time nearly made y/n take off running towards it, crashing in through the glass entrance.

She decided to stay under the awning of the bookstore.

Considering it's the middle of June, the air is humid despite the harshness of the wind which is warm in and of itself, but it makes for a bad combination with the overpowered rain. That doesn't stop Jake though.

He had a meeting to do- for y/n, finally he was revealing his identity.

With a hoodie on, the hood over his head and an umbrella - which is soon to prove itself useless - he left his recording studio and stepped out in the war of natural disasters.

The awning hurriedly emptied as other guests quickly disappeared into cabs or under umbrellas.

She peeked into the street, her mouth pursed at the cabs that passed by, but was quickly blown back under the awning by a gust of wind.

Her skin prickled with goosebumps from the
cold. She glanced over her shoulder to see that a lamp had been left on in the shop.

Jayeojn was nowhere to be seen. With a sigh, she leaned against the brick wall before jumping up when the chill entered her hones

Anxiety tugging at her, she turned her attention back to her ride-hailing app when she realised she was the only one left under the awning.

"no"she hissed as she jabbed furiously at her phone.

this can't be happening

What if he didn't come?

she groaned.

With the next, unexpected thunder that wasn't previously signalized by a lightning bolt, the lights flicker, stealing y/n's gaze away from the outdoors.

A fearful gasp echoes from y/n.

Jake watched y/n with wide in a mixture of shock and terror, her small hands gripping eath other in front of her as though it has the power to shield her from the darkness the thunder's threatening the city with.

Jake sympathizes with her, aware that storms are equally as terrifying to some people as they are beautiful to him.

Another thunder shakes the ground, this time killing the lights completely. y/n as well as the others look expectantly at the fairy lights and small chandeliers above-ssshead waiting for them to come back to life and illuminate tsheir surroundings.

But the lightbulbs show no intention of fulfilling the people's expectations, and after a solid five seconds, it becomes crystal clear that the power has been compromised completely.

Jake is no one to be afraid of darkness, quite the contrary.

Much like his opinion on storms - He values and appreciates the darkness, finds comfort in it even. He's never had a fear or a problem with it, he considers it his safe space to let his mind wander to something more than the usual worries it preoccupies itself with.

Horror is his genre after all, if he can't come up with some fucked up images to distract him from the one that his brain usually forces upon him no one can.

Jake started to walk as fast as he could toward her- he cursed seoul long streets on the way and the storm happening- making him slow his steps.

Never taking his eyes from her- Jake could tell that her condition was worse. Despite the lack of light in on the streets thanks to the brightness of the magazine's lights that are still powered coming in through the windows, he can see the loss of color to her features which are frozen in an expression of something between absolute fear and petrification.

her chest rises and falls quickly but heavily, as though she's struggling with every breath she squeezes in and out of her lungs.


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