10-The anger within ✔

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10. The anger within

I tapped my finger on the flimsy wood desk
as my professor droned on about something
regarding physics.

I swear physics was created by the devil. I had been a straight A student through my high school and college careers and physics was the first class I received a B in. Needless to say, I was mortified.

I couldn't believe I had received a B but there it was, clear as day, a permanent mark on my once perfect record.

I couldn't figure out why physics had ruined me because really, in the scheme of things, it wasn't that hard. I think it's having t derive my own equations and make shit up that got me.

I can follow an equation that's given to me but once I'm asked to create my own, I'm lost.

Sometimes I just wish If I had a boyfriend, he'd ad always been supportive of me and understood that I took my studies really seriously, and is always there to remind me to not stress out.

And when I will have a breakdown and fall apart. He hould be extremely worried and probably be on the verge of crying too- his heart couldn’t stand seeing you cry this much.

He might be  offering me candies and food to cheer me up, and at the same time, give me hugs and kisses as I cry my  heart out.

Anything that I ask him to do, he wouldn’t hesitate and he’d be more than willing to because he wants to see me happy again. Tries to help me  out with revision and is always there to make mh days better, be it with singing, hugging or cuddling. Jake.

What am I dreaming of?

A fairytale?

Finally, the professor ended lecture and I packed my things  up, heading for the door without ever looking Over my shoulder.

"Y/n?" My professor called.

I cringed, just wanting to leave, "Y-yes?"

"Do you have a minute? I just wanted to discuss your last test."

"Of c-course. Was it bad?" I asked- clenching my fuest thigher under the table.

"Oh, no. Quite the opposite, actually. You were
the only one to receive an A."

The moment I heard that it was an A, all I thought about was the times I locked myself in  my room with almost no contact and studied for weeks, just writing and studying- well that's what I do all the time;

"R-really?"I stutters in a small voice with a light smile.

He nodded, "Keep turning in work like this and your A is guaranteed."

My smile widened a bit as I nodded in
acceptance, "Thanks."

He started to walk away, silently dismissing me so I hurried off to the roooftop-

Opening my wattpad account, I got happy again with the huge number of the comments I got, it was a blessing to my heart that made me want to rest in peace- another reason to stay alive; awake-

Reading the comments I got confused as always about them taking sides, the ones who love how they want Jake and Jay to break up and the ones who want a happy ending with happy fairytales-

I left out a giggle reading "they should die together, please bring their ass together at the end, please-" - I just love how the fans describe their feelings sometimes, it was funny and joyful-

The euphoria I feel- can't be described in words;

Scrolling down the comments sections, making sure to respond to everyone in particular- I got shocked by some hateful comments, curiosity came along with it. I clicked on the person profile just know that her name is realmanjake- she must so obsessed with him;

The person wa she only one who wrote hateful comments, mentioning to me everytime that I don't have any rights to describe the book relationship- moreover that I should stop writing about my idol in this wrong way.

All I could do is responding to him to one of his comments with- @jakerralman please if you got anything good to say you are welcome, if not, I will be blocking you <\3

After that restless night, I wake up with a weird
feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something feels off, like there are bad things waiting to happen.

Soon enough the realization hits me when a stabbing pain started in my abdomen- my periods had just started.

My period had always been bad. Most times, I would be able to push through it, bearing through the constant worry that plagued my mind, if I had maybe leaked through my bottoms. But this time, the pain was absolutely unbearable.

I felt as if your being stabbed multiple times in the stomach, the searing, sharp pains not allowing you to move from my spot on the couch.

And so I try to find my sanity in the large
pot of coffee on my desk, combined with a new pack of  peanut butter cups, before I sat on the couch with a heating pack on my stomach. The pain in my abdomen was so strong that I was unable to move

This better work.

Of course it doesn't. Of course I sit there for
hours, wrapped in my blanket as I stare at
the screen on my laptop, looking at the words I've written-

..The perks of being in a relationship with someone is that you could tell when they weren’t feeling their best right away.

It was the little things that your partner did differently that made you notice.

And I can't write anymore, no words left with this pain killing from the inside- I wish vould use something to ease the pain.

I heave a sigh as I start drawing flow charts and plot ideas on my notes, hoping that will bring some inspiration and distract me from this phone disaster. But once again that doesn't work - surprise, surprise.

I just need my mind to get off- I need something to bring me out from this pain, I don't even have any medicine to help myself with- guess I will just help myself endure the pain until I go bye some- and that will be after school;

I'm just about to lose my mind from this insane situation when finally, finally I hear the phone ring, it was my alarm mentioning me that I have to wake up for school again.

Guess I'm already up-

  I immediately jump over to the bed, ignoring the stabs I was feelinh- to reach for it, just tonturn it off- I just hate it's sound.

And to the schoold I went;

And to the schoold I went;

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