29-To be the protagonists

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29| to be the protagonists

Jake was deciding.

Once he set foot in Korea, he made his decision. He will do it.  It suffocated his mind and heart, whenever he thought about it.

Jake held tight to the iron railing, his knuckles white. Dressed in his usual black jacket, he leaned into the gale to feel the white salt spray that came crashing right over the sea wall.

Through squinting eyes, he drank in the sight of the waves, he was standing on Haedong Yonggungsa Temple.

having the perfect view in his life

The sea, perfectly calm, was like a peaceful lake, and its soft murmurs were scarcely audible. The waves seemed to sleep. A line of darker blue marked the curve of the horizon.

The water moves softly around his outstretched fingers, caressing cooly, eddying in its wake.

Jake’s head is a mess of feelings and worry. All day he’s been considering if he should finally confess his feelings to her. He’s had a huge crush on her since she offered to tutor him three months ago, and he’s sure that she feels the same.

He pulls his hand out and watches the drips, transparent and not at the same time. They fall as if snatched by gravity to the saline below, each one swiftly haloed by ever-growing rings, distorting the pebbled sea-bed.

The waves roll in white-tipped, spreading themselves like fine lace over the beach after the crash in their soft way.

Y/n watched Jake's back from afar, as she watched how his hair flew due to the rough wind hitting him.

As she approached him, she struggled in her walk on one of the rocks there, making Jake turn his way to her. She cursed under her breath, eying down her maybe injured feet.

"Heyy," Jake said when y/n made her way in front of him while she responded with the same.

Silence followed the introduction.

They just stood in front of each, looking at each other while the wind made the silence speak and the waves did the same.

She could stand in this place the whole day, it was peaceful. The kind of piece that she'd want for her heart.

The sound of him taking a big gulp of air sounded behind her, and she was curious to see his face. Before she could change her mind she turned toward him, his expression causing her to be confused. He almost seemed haunted.

A frustrated sigh left his lips as his fingers tangled and started to feel the droplets of rain falling from the sky, it was soft.

“I just” He started, breaking off again as if being ripped apart by something she couldn’t see.

"I know this might be a little cliché as in the books, but I need to tell you.,” Jake tells her softly.

“I’m falling for you” Jake pauses to push a hand through his hair, pinning it back, “I’ve been falling for you for a long time. I’ve never met anyone so beautiful and so kind as you.  You make my world so much better and I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t around. I think you feel the same, so I was wondering if you'd like to take things up a level. We can move at your pace, but I just-What I feel for her is so deep and so true that I know I love you. I know it seems soon but-“

"S-stop." She stutters making his heart stop babbling.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't think that this is like a Shakespeare love story?" Her question brought his head up to look at her, to see her face now a little wet from the rain.

✓ PLOT TWIST| JAKEWhere stories live. Discover now