7-another day ✔

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A sharp pain in my head disrupted my sound sleep.

What the heck! I groaned out of sleep and began to sit up when my bleary eyes landed on the huge clock on the wall.

It was 7:40 am! I was already running late for class.

Swiftly, I jumped out of the bed and marched into the bathroom not minding the stupid headache, I felt so angry with myself for waking up late. I pulled my nighty over my head, removed it, brushed my teeth, and stepped into the bathtub, taking a quick bath.
When done, I wrapped my towel around my body and returned to the room just in time to go out before I can be more late to school.

When I entered the school, all the moments were boring until the bell rang signaling the end of the class.

It was a safe option. I liked safe options. Full of the geeky kids that I could cross off my mental list of threats with reasonable confidence. I didn't really fit in here, and while not fitting into a group of misfits was quite a feat, they weren't the kind of people to target you for it. They left me to myself.

Programming, it was all math and logic. I could do that. This course was one of the first in a string of required modules that would eventually lead to a scholarship at college to study the high-level math you needed to become at least something in this society.

Then I could leave this damn planet behind.

I had a Gym class in the afternoon would be a problem. Lunch before that was also a risk, but a risk my stomach reminded me I had to take.

The bell sounded and people stood with the shrill dischord of scraping chairs. The shuffle ensued, a byproduct of twenty people trying to get through a single door. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and trying to gather the energy stand. Given the difficulty I had with that, gym was going to really take it out of me.

At the end of the day, I felt tired. It had been really long and exhausting trying to stay as far away as possible from over-excited people.

As I was walking to the rooftop, I thought about the other unusual behaviors and events at school.

During lunchtime, the cafeteria had been overcrowded. I'd never seen so many people willingly subject themselves to the questioning food quality, and almost sitting on each other's laps only to see and reunite with a simple guy who returned to school, or at least that's how it seemed from my view. As usual.

I started reading the comments people posted on my chapter, it was exciting and beautiful to read. Noticing some rude comments, I looked at the username, it someone called realmanjake.

Now that made me want to laugh at this young girl who is probably hating Jake for no reason, she even wrote that my work is a garbage? Like, I don't understand, I already mentioned that the chapter will contain heated scenes so why commenting in rude way. I just decided to respond with please don't call my work a garbage.

kind enough right?

I had been here for an hour hugging my knees and writing. Checking my phone I noticed that it was the second of mars, and it was just two days up until my birthay. Boring. I wonder if it will be like the other birthays, and the answer was definitly yes. After a time I startled out of her daydream, it was too dark.

If i was late my mother would start asking questions. Aching with cold I rose to standing, hunched like an old woman. With one glance I breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't late; black cloud rolled like the midnight every direction. The air was so humid I could taste it and already the cars had their headlamps on. I dusted off my jeans and hitched my backpack higher. And to the house.

This couldn't be a long term plan, I knew that, but every which way was fear: fear of angry-faced teachers, kids who bullied and parents who demanded nothing less than perfection. When the heavens broke I stopped her walking, standing statue-like in the rain. My long black hair stuck to her face and back, my clothes wet through in seconds.

I walked back to the wake only to get smothered by my mother to perform the perfect daughter act she desperately wanted me to perform and after that, I was just too exhausted to let her scold me again. I hit the bed as soon as I got back to the house.

I was so tired. I laid down on the battered sofa. I continued writing the next chapter that I plan to publish on my birthay, while listening to love maze, it was one of my favorite songs.

Love Maze.

A love tunnels in which it is easy to get lost, but hard to find the way out.

I wish I can experience this kind of love and try being lost in love, in its tunnels.

Maybe, one-day?

I fell asleep once I ended my chapter, finally done with 2050 words, And I think it's enough. After that I let the sleep consumes me completely, taking me to the darkest slumber.

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