12-Bad Decisions

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12| bad decisions

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12| bad decisions

"Can I be honest and say that I hate it when I don't say much time h-home."

His forehead rests against mine, a smile curving his lips as he shakes his head. “Yes, I’mallowed to say that. But I don't want to get overwhelmed with the problems I deal with my mother y/n okay? And moreover your graduation will be soon and you should focus more on school life, not us, okay?"

I sang against him, doing my best not to start spiraling again as I thought about everything waiting for me to do in the other room. “No news about friends?"

Now a full-blown laugh escapes me. “No. But there is one girl that tried to talk to me more than one time. "

My father nodded his head, understanding."I shouldn't put speech disorders always first I know?"

"I-" I said. " know. But p-people judge and I hate that."

After mumbling"I know." I listen to him, letting myself sink into his embrace and have him tell me about his day at work. He insists on making the two

I listen to him, letting myself sink into his embrace and have him tell me about his day at work.

He insists on making the two of us dinner without me lifting a single finger, forcing me to sit at the counter keeping him company while he cooks using the time when my mother was out.

He lets me talk about school, getting it all off my chest, and feeling like an enormous weight has been lifted off my shoulders. And I secretly promise myself I won’t let it build up only to explode like this again.

And that night he thoroughly pampers me.

Once in a blue moon does he ever indulge in being with him like the old times. All while murmuring compliments to me, never once letting me think I am not good enough.

There was not a single bone in my entire body
that would let me fall asleep again, and there were a lot of bones. No matter how hard I try, my body would ache with fear and the inner voice in my head would beg, 'don't go to sleep over and over.

Both of my knees groaned once I stood up from the window seat, and as I stretched my arms up high above my head, my whole body followed with a string of loud cracks before I stumbled over to my bed.

I fell straight down onto the side of the cushion, and tightly wrapped myself up
like a burrito in my comforter until I rolled my
way into the middle of it.

I stared holes into my ceiling as the darkness of the night paired up with the whispering winds, and they both continued to play with my mind as though I was a broken toy, just ready to be messed with and then thrown away.

The sound of a quiet, yet annoying, double beep steered me away from my wild thoughts.

Turning my head sideways, my hand wiggled
its way a path out from under the tight hold of
my blanket, and I reached out to grab my phone that was resting on my side table next to my tipped over picture.

My eyes flicked to the glowing time first,
and then towards my new text message- to find it juts my notifications on wattpad and some private messages.

I didn't respond to any of them.

The hypnotic shadow of the moon dancing
around my ceiling made my eyes droopy, and
the need to sleep worsened, but the moon
was oddly comforting during my night of
restlessness as it acted like a nightlight.

Sighing sadly, and sleepily, I tugged my blanket up to my chin as I closed my eyes, and sunk into my bed.

I felt uneasy about what I had written, but I didn't know what else to write or how to feel.

I felt tingly in a weird way, and also scared at
at the same time. Perhaps, I was overreacting.

overthinking, and wasn't really comprehending what I thought.

The more I felt about it however, the more I felt guilty about what I had said and wrote. I then closed my eyes and turned around to make my decision.

However, was reminded, yet again, that the
the moon wasn't truly on my side. A familiar howl had snuck back into my room while I was
attempting to forget the reality of my messed
up life for just a moment so that I could let sleep take over, but it had crept back in through my window.

An eternity seemed to have passed before it ended with a final heartbreaking decision.

My mind was telling me that this will be a bad decision but the best at the same time. Taking my phone out, I let my fingers roam on the screen freely, letting my mind decide this time.

My apologetic mode comes with introspection as standard. I am winning the me vs. me battle, you'll see.

Hi beautiful people.

I'm deciding to quit writing Fate and focus more on my life. My graduation is going to be soon so I will be not updating any more and I terribly apologize for unanswered messages.

Stay safe and healthy.

I love you❤️.

I placed my phone off to the side of my bed so that it was right next to me, and rolled onto my side, shrugging off the firm hold of my blanket until it was loose against me.

That was a bad decision.

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