6-the bookworm (him)

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Today the sunlight conjured the most brilliant of mosaics, reflecting from each leaf and wisp of cloud. It was as if there was a pure joy in the light, as if it were happy to create art where it shone, warm and steady.

In the early morning light the pages of the book fluttered in the breeze, oblivious to the sounds of the shower or the chorus he choses to sing. It was his favourite;

The one he could read over and over and still want more.

He loved something called books.

Those creased pages within the soft cover were his elixir. In every reading he was the hero, the one who saved the day and still had time for fun. Sometimes even a villain, but who cares.

Each time heclimbed the mountains and spoke the best lines: wise and humorous. He felt so safe in that book, sailing over the words as if he was a velvet-coated captain. 

Somehow, in those pages he was freer than in all the libraries of the world, as if one book was his universe.

This time he was using the Wattpad app, it was a great app. He loves reading the historical fiction they were there. It was online and free.

Who would miss that?

He did even wore some poems there and published some, but no one knows about it, not even his friends or the group.

"he just licked the warm substance off his fingers and.." Jake read but then stopped.
"What the hell?"

He reads the sentence again and again.

"Fuck me." He cursed for nth time he could remember, he couldn't understand how the author could write some garbage like this, especially writing about her idol to her favorite person, and that was him. the storyline was perfect, but describing the intimate moment between the two characters was something out of legacy. His legacy. 

Something made him regret even checking the book, but he used to read on Wattpad at the times he was on work with the guys or he was invited to his idol events. Reading online stories was teh easiest way for him to read because if it happens to bring on his books with him he was sure that he will forget it somewhere, contrary with the phone he could always bring it with him or leave it with his manager.

Him and the guys were staying at a hotel near a place they were filming their emission. he did bring two books from his bookshelf but something made him to read his fanfiction first. 

Jake stood up from his cramped leather chair and walked to the window, remembering his bookshelf, he sighed.

His shelves of books expanded over the wall, as if they had been planted as seeds and grown by virtue of the sunlight that filled the room. He had books by all of the great Splatterpunk authors of the eighties and nineties, people like Jack Ketchum, John Skipp, Craig Specter, and the grandmaster Clive Barker, but for Charles, he had a special shelf for his favorite of that motley crew, Earle - I'm a ghost Laredo.

For him. Books, the kind he reads or listen to, are a way to shine lights on new pathways, yet also ways to see how some are as knives who twist vice into virtue or fail to see them as opposites.

And that was in silence, reading in a silence room was the perfect time to do so. Being a reader and calm person, he always preferred being alone when he got the chance to.

But sadly the silence he was living in, was distrubed by a knock from his door filled th silence of his room, "Who is it?"

"Delivery," A muffled voice called from the other side of the door.

"Open up, delivery," the voice said with a couple more knocks.

"Okay, okay" walking to open the door, his sight was welcomed with no either than Jay smiling wide at him. "what the heck are you doing here?" he asked.

"I just woke up early and I know that all the guys are still sleeping this hour but not you, so yeah. i am here" Jay explained while jake welcomed him inside. "so no delivery?"

"we are at a hotel you dumbass! There is no deliveries to the rooms." jay laughed at him making jake feel dumb. 

"so you reading again?" Jay said making himself comfortable on the couch there, making jake nod his head in confirmation. 

Jake from all of the members, was a silent reader. He was literally a bookworm. If one can savor every page, can see the joy of every moment rather than hang your emotions on the last page, then you are a real reader. 

He was the one who could read anytime anywhere.

"You reading again on that app?"Jay sked,

"Yeah, you know I just found some fanfictions of us?" >jake voiced mentioning to his phone, trying to show him the fanfitcions he found. 

"Really? This fast, we just debuted bro!"Jay exclaimed happily hearing the news, no happy with the engens works. 

"Well guess, it a yes, engens dis really  a great work, " jake said offering the other a small smile. Whitch made Jay frown in confusion,"why are you not happy then?"

Jay asked, he couldn't not to after seeing how fast Jake's expressions changed. Jake looked down at his hands filled with his phone, his screen was showing the wattpad profile of you.

"Read this," Jake said after showing him the chapter you just published. Jay started reading and Jake waited for his reaction on the smut you wrote.

Jay smiled.

"Are you angry at this?" Jay asked making Jake frown. "Should I not?"

"No, you shouldn't, I guess you should be happy, our fans are happy to love us and dream spending their lifetime with us,"

"I don't know, but I don't think that it's right to get so deep in describing her idol privacy? No?" Jake answered.

"That's your point of view, but don't you think that every love story has to involve some smut  scenes. Because that's what this author doing," Jay said but before Jake could answer the ringing of Jay's phone filled the room.

It was their manager.

"Sure we will be down soon," Jay said to the other line, they should prepare theirselves for the photo shoot in the next hour.  "I should go," Jay spoke while Jake nodded saying, "we are going to meet downstairs;"

"Sure, see yoo" Jay said before leaving the room. Leaving Jake troubled in his own thoughts.

Was it normal to write those things, or was it out of limits of the privacy the fans had to respect for their idols?

He wasn't sure. What was the right answer.

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