17- Twisted love

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17| twisted love

When she got back, an unusual sight welcomed her in her home. Her mother was  laying on the big couch- glasses of whiskey back on the coffee table. She seemed to y/n sleeping or blacking out. 

Approaching her mother she started to shake her with ease, the scent of beer and drinks filling her senses. It was disgusting. 

A groan left Luna's mouth, "m-mom wake up." Y/n said worried ignoring the smell an disgusting   cans laying on the ground as she continued shaking her mother. 

Luna's eyes opened up before letting her hands push her daughter away from her making y/n hit the coffee table with her back with so much force that made her certain that it will leave a scar on her back.

Luna cursed again before saying- "leave me alone." And went back to sleep, not giving a single slight of care to her father who was wincing in pain. 

Y/n stood up- a pained moan kept her mouth before she put her hand on her mouth afraid to wake up her mother again- quickly she grabbed her phone and sent her father a message before she went up to her room letting out her pain and whales on her pillow. 

Mom- is drunk and not well. 

Waking up, she had barely touched her face, her fingertips grazing her cheekbones when she let out a sound close to a shout as a sudden loud 'bang!" reverberated throughout the room. Her head snapped to the left to see that the bay window she'd grown to love so much was wide open.

A pile of freshly fallen snow was growing by the second on the window seat and atop its pillows, having been blown in by the groaning, unforgiving air. Clumps of flakes had already begun melting on the floor into puddles big enough for birds to wash themselves in.

Hurriedly, she ripped the bedcovers off her clammy body and shivered when the cold air met her skin, especially her still very irritated mind.

Still shaken by that night's night events, her whole mind felt unbalanced and unstable, nearly causing her knees to crumple to the ground when she put her whole weight on them.

The bottom of her feet protested as she forced them to move across the freezing wooden floors, her toes curling in discomfort when she snapped the window closed;

Glancing at tye calling snow- nothing noisy about them, it was extremely the opposite of her parents, yet they have sound. 

Perhaps to her, it is more like the music of her childhood summers so long ago with the people she has loved and lost.

If she closes her eyes she can share her mother calling her for lunch, her father rustling the newspaper as she turns a fresh leaf. In her closed hand appears a red bucket and spade, there is nothing to worry her, no fears.

she shakes her head violently. she pounds it down again and again, but her thoughts will not dislodge themselves. They will drive her insane. 

She wants to get rid of these terrible thoughts but she also wants to keep them tucked deep inside. 

Her back ached from the strong hit she got yesterday night. Taking a deep breath, she walked out of the room after grabbing her backpack and a sandwich. It was the perfect chance to try to get out but she had to remind herself that she was going to meet him.

Timepass, as she keeps walking the streets of Seoul, like some lost child searching for her home before she gets to the bookstore. 

It was the best time to relax her mind and wash her brain from her home. There was now no yelling or arguing from his parents, their usual arguing and misunderstanding made her suffocate.  


Jake stirs behind his closed eyelids, his mind ceasing dream mode to bring him back to wakefulness.

A slow smile creeps over his face. He rolls to get up as his eyes open and takes himself to see the snowfall, already feeling the soothing coldness of the breeze.

There is the scent of wetness of the melted snow.

Later that day- He couldn't stop thinking about the attraction he feels towards y/n. This is why you never judged a book by its cover, or in this case never judge someone's online persona.

His mind is already working up to go to the bookstore after the training and some records their producer wants to save. 

"So, you're meeting with that girl today, huh?" He asks while rubbing the towel through his hair- all the sweat falling from his face. 

Y/n was a good person.

"Maybe, I don't know."

"You gonna hit that?"

Jale slap him up the back of his head, "Did l or did not tell you to stop using those immature words?"

"Jesus, why are you so mature? " Jay rubs his head, "damn you Jake-" 

"Who's getting hit tonight?" of course Sunghoon had to participate in their conversation. 

"Not you, obviously," 

Jake can't help but laugh at his words as he throw the bag on his shoulder, watching how Sunghoon  fist bumps Jay for that glorious comment.

"Damn, he deserved that" Jay chuckles as they  both walk out of the room. "Yeah, he did"

"Now, back to you."

"Jesus, Jay" Jake groaned, "I thought I was the curious one out of the two of us." Jay voices out laughing at himself.

"Guess you must have rubbed off on me, man, cause I want to know what'll happen with his love." Jay teased.

"Please don't call her that, like ever again. I still don't know enough yet to be called my love but I actually feel like her stalker." 


"What do you mean?" Sunghoon asked frowning mocking Jay laughed saying-"he has been meeting her in a bookstore but he never got the chance to talk to her." 

Sunghoon laughed followed by Jungwon who switched features almost in a second." Watch out Jake." He said. 

"I know, don't worry." 

Later that day- he had to brace himself for it; doing his best not to stare when you weren't looking. 

Once he even sat on the main floor in a spot where he could discreetly watch her and found it fascinating how she could shift from doing her job to her homework like a machine. 

She noticed him too. He started coming rather frequently to the library and she liked to note who the regulars were. He always entered with the sourest expression, that what she could say from his eyes expressions- he looked familiar somehow, but she tried to ignore it because his hideout clothes didn't give her much of his features. 

How was it?

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