19- Away

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"I talked to your doctor, he said that it's better for you to speak or get your vocal cords to work until some time passes- okay sweetie?" Her dad said, making her nod her head.

Graduating is elevating and humbling, for once a position of responsibility is reached, y/n have a greater sense of the challenges their heroes faced and overcame.

The celebration met their eyes as if its clothes were mid-hearty laughs.

A half their later they're all on campus waiting
in line for their gowns, "this is crazy, I could've
sworn we just started yesterday" Ara exclaims while throwing her arms around y/n.

Y/n smiled a little bit as the line of graduating students moved forward slightly, "time flies when they're having fun" she nods in agreement as y/n tilt her head up towards the sun, her eyes closing as she enjoys the warmth of the coldest days in seoul.

Shs bite her lip as she places her cap onto her head gently to prevent it from ruining her hair, her gaze moves around taking in all of the graduating students in her highschool.

"We all worked so hard to get to where they
are now, putting up with loads of homework,
teachers, staying up until two or three in the morning just to finish homework and projects but now We'll be starting a new chapter in our lives. And hopefully we'll all be successful!" Ara cheered and everyone did too.

"Hey- beautiful." Her father smiled at her before he welcomed in his arms. Her mother wasn't there with her.

Once he pulls away seconds later she move her hands to his tie straightening it out, "I
can't believe you're graduating darling" she peer up at him, "it's definitely been a long time coming"

he kisses her head gently, "I gotta get back to my work, but i'll see you once this is over- where should we meet up? I actually want to talk about something important. " she nods and he walks away, leaving me to think about what's to come after the ceremony.

Talking on her phone she started to type on her phone.

I will go rest a little bit in the house and then I will go to the bookstore.

Once her father read her writing, he nodded his head. " I will see you at the bookstore then. You want me to bring you back home."

Y/n shook her head- she wanted to walk a little bit before she got back and that's what she did.

Girls and boys got their gowns before
getting separated where they are lined up alphabetically and when the ceremony was over and they all met up with each other and hugged each other.


Slowly, she opens her eyes, and a tear slides down her cheek.

She was staring at the ceiling of her bedroom. It's brighter than the last time she saw it before she went to bed, because the rays of the morning sun have come through the window.

She sat up on her bed, and her hand was shaking when she made her fingers through her black hair. she was panting, and her chest hurts like hell.

No matter how many times this happens, the
pain won't lessen. This is her curse, and she has to go through it as long as she lives. This is her punishment. It hurts.

The memories of her mother drowned in her own alcohol rained her mind. She was scared of what her mother could do. After her father knew about what happened- he made y/n visit her doctor immediately just to be advised to not use her vocal cords in a week, until she feels safe again and less stressed.

She can already hear the sound of cars on the street as their passengers start their weekend.

As she stares at her reflection in the mirror, a sigh leaves her lips as she puts the final touch on her look.

With her bangs hanging low above her eyebrows, her unstylish black hair falling on her shoulder, and these thick glasses, she  looks nothing less than a bookworm.

She can't help but utter that prayer silently in her heart, hoping to encounter something good today. she was already fed up with her messed-up

Once she was the bookstore, she wondered about what she will do this vacation after she texted Jaeyun for the first time this day- he had asked her if she was okay and she answered that she was. Until her father came and installed himself beside her.

"Y/n I need to tell you something important." She could feel her father's voice shaking while she nodded her head for him to continue.

"Me and your mother decided to get a divorce." His voice finally let out from his heart because he couldn't keep it and lied more to his daughter- he choose this place because it was her comfort place and her reaction will be less- stressed here.

So my prayer went in vain.

Her brain stutters for a moment and her eyes take in more light than she expected, every part of her goes on pause while her thoughts catch up.

"W-" her voice cheated on her too from the shock. She already knew that something bad and terrible was going to happen between them but not now.

Taking her notebook, she started to write for her dad.

She cheated on you right?

Once her father read the words scribed on the paper, she could see his eyes glinting with tears before he nodded his head. He was betrayed by the love of his life.

Y/n started to cry- her silent tears drowned out of her in silence, she hugged her father and closed the gap between them until her face was buried in his chest. She was breaking into pieces- they 're both.

Jake watched the scene before him with confusion and pity filling his eyes. He could feel his heart aching towards her as terrifying tears poured down from her eyes.

Before he watched them leave the bookstore hugging each other in comfort.

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