Chapter 2 - cute extra

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"This is your flat, Mr. Tomlinson?" Harry gazed up and saw the chandeliers hanging. "Wait, let me correct myself. This is your mansion?"

Mr. Tomlinson chuckled and shook his head in amusement, "Please, call me Daddy- and yes, this is my flat."

"I- I thought you were taking me back home . . ." Harry blushed a light pink, ignoring some of Louis' words.

"Now, why would I do that when I can have you all to myself, hm?" Louis mused and he walked over to his leather sofa, patting the spot next to him.

Harry cautiously made his way over, palms sweaty. He sat down at the far end of the sofa, creating as much distance between them.

Louis grunted and got up, walking over to where Harry was sitting and plopping down right next to him.

"Why haven't you called me daddy yet, Harry?" Louis pouts and Harry can't resist the urge to poke the pink skin.

"Can I just . . . get to know you first? I don't want things to move too fast." Harry explained and Louis nodded, turning his body towards him.

"Or I could just do that on our date, isn't that what people do?" Louis questioned as he placed his hand on Harrys' knee, feeling him stiffen under his touch.

"Fine, then what do you want to do?" Harry gently took off Louis' hand from his knee and shivered slightly from the loss of warmth.

"We could-"

"I should warn you, I don't have sex on the first date. Let alone kiss on the first date." Harry interrupts Louis.

"But this isn't a date, Harold." Louis smirked and Harry face palmed.

"First of all, don't call me that. Second of all, I forgot, okay?" he sighs and rubs his temples.

"Am I making you stressed?" Louis takes Harrys' hands from his forehead and Harry looks into his stunning blue eyes.

"Your eyes are gorgeous." Harry blurts out, his eyes widening after.

"Like you." Louis whispers and looks down at Harrys' lips, about to lean on when Harry clears his throat.

"Like I said," Harry blushes once he remembers Louis is still holding his hand. "I don't kiss the first day. You have to earn it."

Harrys phone rings and he reaches in his pocket, taking it out and pressing accept.

"Hey, Niall," Harry speaks into the phone. "Nothing, just here with Louis," Harry chuckles. "Yes, that Louis." He pauses for a second before nodding, "Alright, I'll see you later."

He hangs up the phone and looks over at Louis.

"What did he want?" Louis questions and Harry rolls his eyes.

"Just wanted to see if I was okay, that's all." he reassures Louis.

"Do you want something to eat? I know you must be starving." Louis changes the subject and gets up from his spot, walking towards his kitchen and Harry can't help but stare at his luscious bum.

"And by something to eat, I don't mean my bum. Well-"

"I got it." Harry chuckles and gets up from his spot, following after Louis.

They walk through narrow hallways, bright light being produced by the lightbulbs. There are paintings everywhere, some of them are pictures.

Harry stops in his place when he sees a picture of Louis, laying across the floor with his back slightly arched and his chest bare.

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