Chapter 24 - will you ?

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They wake up the following day, wrapped in each others arms, while Mickey is in there holding a clip board.

Mickey clears her throat and Louis groans, hugging Harry closer to his chest and stroking his hair.

"Louis, you have a meeting with your manager in an hour, I suggest you get up now." Mickey informs him and Louis nods slowly, eyes still closed.

"C'mon Lou, time to get up." Harrys' voice scares him.

"Mmm, I thought you were sleeping?" Louis asks, his voice husky. He kisses the top of Harrys' head and the green eyed boy giggles.

"I've been awake for about ten minutes now." Harry confesses as he draws imaginary shapes on Louis' bare chest.

"Why didn't you wake me up, darling?" Louis grabs Harrys chin and they look in each others eyes, like they're in a staring contest.

"You looked so peaceful- I don't know." Harry blushes, breaking the eye contact and biting his lower lip lightly.

Louis hums in amusement and grabs Harrys' lower lip, taking it away from his teeth, "Let's get up."

So they do. They brush their teeth, comb their hair, and all that stuff.

As soon as they're done, they walk down stairs into the dining room where Bianca (one of his other servants) has made some toast, eggs, and sausages.

"Lovely meal you've made here, B. Tell me how much longer until my meeting?" Louis sits down in his chair, Harry following.

"Thank you, sir. About forty-five minutes until you can drive and get there on time, sir." Bianca tells them and Louis nods, waving her off.

Once they're in the room alone, Harry gets nervous. He's been meaning to ask Louis something for a while now, but he doesn't know if it'll be too soon or not.

Louis seems to notice Harrys' discomfort because he reaches across the table and takes a hold of Harrys hand, rubbing his thumb over his large knuckles. "What's wrong?"

"I- nothing . . ." Harry presses his lips together, trying not to make eye contact because he knows if he does, he'll just blow up.

"Harry, tell me." Louis says sternly and Harry closes his eyes for a minute, sighing to himself quietly.

"So, uhm, I w-was wondering if maybe you'd like to go meet my mum?" Harrys voice gets higher towards the end.

Louis freezes from biting into his toast, his mouth open while he's still holding the bread.

"I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to!" Harry adds on quickly, afraid that Louis' will reject the offer.

Oh my god, Harry. You're so stupid, Harry thinks to himself.

"Really?" Louis cuts Harry out of his thoughts.

"Huh?" Harry hums. "Oh yeah! Yeah, i'm genuinely asking if you'd like to go." Harry smiles and takes a bite out of his sausage.

"I'll think about it." Louis' finally states and Harry is kind of disappointed he didn't say yes right away.

"Okay," Harry smiles brightly. "What can I do while you're gone to your meeting?"

"Uhm, maybe-"

"Can I go see Niall? Please daddy." Harry cuts Louis off and Louis tries to calm himself down from that.

"Yes you can, baby. But please, don't cut me off again." Louis' voice is an octave deeper.

"Sorry," Harry pouts like the cute boy he is. "Will you drive me there on the way to your meeting or will one of your servants drive me there?"

"Let me drive you." Louis smiles and grabs both of their now empty plates, putting them in the sink for Bianca to wash them.

He checks the clock above his microwave and sees that they only have fifteen minutes left.

"Shit, doll. Hurry, get dressed so we can get out of here." Louis exclaims, running up his stairs with Harry following closely behind.

Louis throws on some black skinny jeans (rolling them up of course) and a white t-shirt. Harry deciding to match him, putting on the same thing.

"Louis, you better get in your car now!" Calls Bianca who is currently washing their dishes.

"Yeah, yeah!" Louis calls back and grabs Harrys' hand, rushing them both down the stairs.

They make it into Louis' giant garage and they decide to take the black Porsche.

Once they're in, Louis puts the car in drive, his left hand on the steering wheel and the right on Harrys' lap.

"Now, make sure you're careful at Nialls' place. I don't want anything to happen to you." Louis states and Harry is surprised.

"It's just Nialls' house, he's been my best mate for two years." Harry says slowly, not knowing what Louis was going on about.

"I know. But, you never know what can happen." Louis knows what he's talking about, it's because Nick is probably going to be there.

Harry shrugs and places his large hand over Louis', which is rested on his thigh. "Okay, daddy." Harry breathes out.

"If we weren't in my car and you said that, I would have you on your knees, princess." Louis smirks.



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