Chapter 39 - i got you something

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Harrys' unconscious is being shaken lightly, and the lanky boy groans. His body was stiff when he tried to stretch, not opening his eyes yet because he wasn't ready for the light to shine in his eyes. "Harry, baby, wake up." Louis whispers softly in his ear, running his small but thick fingers through Harrys' chocolate curly hair. Oh how much he missed Louis' sweet voice.

"Hm?" Harry hums and finally peers up at Louis who was hovering over him, grinning widely. "Oh, I forgot that I slept here . . ." He trails off as he sits up on the couch, looking around with tired eyes and yawning loudly. "I was actually going to try and stay awake until you came home — but I guess I was just so stressed lately that I crashed." Harry explains, watching Louis take his own hand in his and kiss it softly, and he blushes.

"It's fine, princess. I was just wondering why you ended up sleeping here instead of our own room." Louis shakes his head and brings Harrys' hand up to his lips again, kissing it three times, admiration in his eyes. "Daddy bought you a couple things, baby." Louis mutters after a while, watching how Harrys' face contorts into confusion. "Come with me, princess — or did you want me to carry you?" He adds on.

Harry doesn't say anything, only makes grabby hands towards Louis and the older man takes that as a sign to pick him up. Louis wraps his hands around Harrys' legs and holds him bridal-style, smiling when Harry presses a kiss to his cheek and then snuggles into his chest. He loved Harry so much that it hurt. It always ached when he was away from his princess and he could never imagine a future without the beautiful green eyed dork.

"What is it, daddy?" Harry mumbles into Louis collarbones, resting his bottom lip on there gently. He was still incredibly tired and just wanted to go to bed — considering it was three in the morning — but if it really wasn't important then Louis would've let him rest and told him tomorrow. Harry opens his eyes and peers up at Louis as he walks them up the stairs, admiring the beauty above him.

Louis was like his own personal drug that he can never get enough of. Sometimes he can bring out the best in him, and sometimes the worst. Louis' voice reminding him of soft chocolate, so so good and smooth. He's was so charismatic, magnetic, electric and everybody knew it.

"Here, princess . . . I'll set you down so I can get my bags." Louis whispers and suddenly Harry feels softness under him. He snuggles into the bed sheets, opening an eye when he hears Louis come in the room a minute later. His arms were holding two bags, biceps popping out even though the bags didn't look that heavy. "Sit up." Louis commands and Harry groans but does it.

"What'd you get me, Lou?" Harry inquires when he sees Louis peer inside a small bag and shake his head, grabbing the other one next to him instead. "I hope it's nothing expensive, you know how much I hate it when you spend way too much money on me." Harry warns, stopping himself when he sees Louis pull out three different lace panties. Panties weren't that bad for price — compared to the other things Louis would buy him on occasion.

"Oh! And I got this really quick since you said you wanted new jewelry." Louis exclaims before pulling out a wide box, handing it over to Harry who took it with hesitation. "Go on." Louis encourages him with a shaky smile, making his posture anxious. Harry scrunches his face up in confusion at Louis' nervousness, slowly opening the box and revealing a necklace in the shape of a heart gleaming back at him.

"Oh my god, it's so gorgeous . . . thank you, Louis." Harry whispers, rubbing his thumb over the heart. He looks back up and suddenly launches himself at Louis into a tight hug. Sure, he wanted a ring, but this could hold him back for a while. Besides, everything Louis got for him he appreciated because it came from Louis. His lover, his one and only, his everything. "Thank you so much." He kisses Louis neck where his face was buried in.

"I also have something else for you . . ." Louis mumbles and takes another box from behind him, sliding it towards Harry and starts biting at his lower lip. He doesn't know if it was too soon or not, but it didn't matter to him, all he wanted was to be with Harry for eternity. Without Harry, his life would be a mess.

Louis watches anxiously as Harry takes the small box in his large hands, toying with the opening. "You really didn't have to get me anything else — that necklace was already too much for me to accept." Harry smiles up at Louis, not noticing how pale his boyfriends face was and how much he was shaking. "But, I'll open it because I love you, Louis Tomlinson." the green eyed boy chuckles and open up the box, gasping loudly and letting the box slip through his fingers when he sees what was inside of it.

A ring.

Louis goes quick to move down on the floor, resting on one knee as he shakily holds the opened box up towards a teary eyes Harry. "Princess," Louis starts off, laughing to himself quietly. "Princess, I love you so so much. You are my entire world. Did you really think I wouldn't get those little hints you would throw at me about rings?" Harry nods his head, a wide smile set on his face. "Harry Edward Styles, I am so madly in love with everything about you. Now, I'm not going to make this long because I know you're just dying to say something. But, basically I want to spend my whole life waking up beside you in my arms. I want to always be there for you when you're feeling down or anytime, really. I want to be the last person you ever love, because I can't bear to see you with anybody else. So . . . will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Louis was crying by the time he was done with his speech, observing how Harry puts his hands up to his face and sobs.

"I—I don't know what to say . . ." Harry cries out, tears streaming down his face so rapidly. He was so happy. He didn't care that he was only nineteen years old (almost 20) and wanting to marry a man, he was willing to do it right away. Harry had been dreaming about this day to come since . . . well, since he could remember. It was so clear that they were meant for each other and he couldn't be happier.

"How about yes, because this was expensive." Louis chuckles and wipes away any stray tears that ended up leaking out of his eyes and landing on his cheeks. And Harry nods, moving off the bed and onto his knees so he was at the same level as Louis, pulling him in for a passionate kiss that tasted like salty tears, but they didn't care. And if he cried more when Louis slid the gorgeous ring on his finger, well, he wasn't scared to admit it.

"Yes, of course I'll marry you, you idiot."

The Tomlinsons' ended up making love that night, making sure to stop every once and a while to say their breathy I love you's just to remind each other of what happened earlier.

NOTE: comment i love nonny if you died.

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