Chapter 11 - a day with mickey

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"Good Morning, Harry." Mickey greets him as she walks into the kitchen, grabbing an apple.

"Morning, Mickey." Harry gives her a small smile, eating his cereal.

"So," she walks towards Harry and wiggles her eyebrows, sitting down on the opposite seat. "Since Louis is gone to his photoshoot, you can give me all the dirt."

Harry raises an eyebrow and just shakes his head slightly while laughing, "What dirt?"

"Oh, nothing- just that you agreed to be Louis' submissive!" she screams and Harry flinches.

"Yeah, the contract was very long."

"So was Louis' dick." Mickey murmurs and Harry chokes on his spoon of cereal.

"Y-you've had-" Harry stutters while trying to make a sentence.

"Had sex with Louis? No. Have you seen me? I look like a potato." Mickey laughs and finishes her apple, throwing away the core in the thrash can.

"What are you doing today?" Harry asks as he sips the rest of the milk from the bowl.

"Well, since I have a day off, I'm thinking that we can go to stores, you and I." Mickey says and Harry looks up, thinking about it.

"I don't know . . . would Louis let me?" Harry questions.

"Duh," Mickey laughs. "So, what do you say? We can even buy you some panties and lip stick."

Harry's eyes almost fall out of his face when he hears that lady sentence. Did Louis have a kink for that too?

"I- alright." Harry gives in and Mickey squeals, jumping up and down.

"Just let me go get my purse and we can go. Oh my gosh, this is going to be so fun." Mickey has the biggest grin on her face.


"Are you dating anyone?" Harry asks as they walk around the mall.

"Uh, no." Mickey laughs and shakes her head, trying to look for Victoria's Secret.

"I have a friend that I could introduce you to? He's really funny and his laugh is the best." Harry suggests and Mickey dramatically falls down in the middle of the hall.

"You would do that?" She asks and Harry nods.

Mickey pretends to cry, which causes a lot of attention towards them.

"Uh, Mickey-?"

"You're such a good friend." she chokes out and Harry has to say sorry to the people who walk by.

"I see Victoria's Secret." and with that sentence, Mickey stands up.

She grabs Harry's wrist and practically drags Harry to the female store that smells like way to much perfume.

"Hello, do you need help with anything?" A worker comes up to them when they enter the store.

"Well, we need some lingerie and red lipstick for this man." Mickey states proudly and Harry flushes pink in embarrassment.

"Erm, yes, I'll help you with that." the blonde worker says awkwardly.

She leads them to the back of the store where they have the lingerie displayed.

"I think this one would suit your skin color the best." Mickey picks up a light pink, lace lingerie and shoves it into Harry's arms.

"I totally agree." the worker pipes up and Harry looks down.

"Now, let's go get your lipstick!" Mickey squeals.


After they were done buying Harry's necessities, they went to Fro-yo for some frozen yogurt.

"Louis is going to love the stuff we bought you." Mickey giggles and eats the yogurt off her spoon.

"Does he have a kink for this stuff?" Harry warily asks.

"Oh, yeah. Definitely." Mickey nods her head and makes a serious face.

"When will he come back?" Harry takes a big bite of his frozen yogurt.

"Back home?" Harry nods. "His photo shoots usually end around four." Mickey explains and Harry takes out his phone, checking the time.


"We should get going, yeah?" Harry finishes off his cup and throws it in the trash can, Mickey doing the same thing.

Harry's going to get fucked when he gets home, Mickey thinks.

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