Chapter 32 - car confessions

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"Princess?" Louis asks once they're driving home. He had come back from his rather long meeting with his boss, telling him where his future is going to lead and what plans he has. Louis was eagerly paying attention and wanted to know everything but at the same time he wanted to go back to Anne's house and pick Harry up.

When Harry doesn't answer, fingers just twitching, Louis sighs, glancing at him once again. "Baby?"

"What?" Harry finally speaks up, his voice low and barely audible—but Louis heard him. The green eyed boy turns his attention towards Louis who's focus is steady on the road. He watches how Louis' bottom lip trembles—not implying that he was going to cry, but that he was rather nervous.

"Why are you ignoring me, princess? Did I do something wrong." Louis retorts as they speed down the streets, lucky to have no red lights on them. Louis just wanted to get home and talk about it, not here.

"No." Harry refuses to tell him what's wrong, chewing on his lower lip to prevent himself from blurting out something he didn't want to. If he admits, it's kind of childish that he's mad at Louis about this, but he can't help but feel that way.

"Harry—" Louis sighs out, licking his chapped pink lips to get them moist again.

"Okay, yes there's something bothering me!" Harry blurts out, eyes widening after he does so. Now he actually has to talk about. But he really shouldn't be complaining, because this is what he asked for. For no sex until they get everything settled and off their chests.

"Okay . . . tell me." Louis demands in a soft voice, not so dominant right now. He takes a sharp turn which causes Harry to yelp and hold onto his seat tightly before they steady in a straight line again.

Harry is quiet for a moment before finally deciding to tell Louis, taking in a large breath and preparing himself in his mind. "It's nothing serious but . . . I was kind of upset that you left so early." he admits, closing his eyes, waiting for Louis to start yelling but it never happens (not like he's surprised).

"I'm sorry but you know how my job is. Strict and long." Louis shrugs, brushing it off like its nothing and it angers Harry a bit—because it matters to him.

"I know!" Harry yells slightly, his arms flailing before putting them by his side again and repeating. "I know." He says more calmly. "But I just wanted you to properly meet my mum, you know? I wanted you to be the one who has a bond with her."

"What? Your mum never liked any of your boyfriends?" Louis questions, tilting his head to the side and looking at Harry who is picking at a string from his black skinny jeans.

"That's part of it." Harry starts, biting his lower lip and taking off his attention from his jeans, looking up at the road in front of him. "One of them never even wanted to meet her, actually. He said it would be awkward because when we broke up, there would've been no point in meeting her."

Louis takes in all of what Harrys saying, pursing his lips because he's already taken a dislike in Harrys' ex. How could someone actually admit to their mate that they were going to break up soon?

"I'm sorry." Is the thing that Louis can really say, not sure how to reply to something like that. He thinks in his head before speaking up again. "If it makes you feel better, I think your mum and I already like each other. I never said something—or did something—to make her tick. She was practically looking at us like we are angels."

"Yeah, I saw." Harry chuckles, dimples engraving in his cheeks so deep that it looks like a crater. "I guess you're right. I'm lucky that you actually agreed to meet her and not just ended up like . . . Dylan."

"That's your exes name?" Louis inquires, not letting Harry reply and just talking again, adding onto his sentence. "Already don't like him."

He hears Harry giggle, a smile on his lips as he turns his head slightly to take a peek at the lanky boy sitting in the comfortable car seat, fumbling with the seat belt.

"It doesn't matter anymore, we will never be seeing him—it's like highly impossible to see him on the streets randomly." Harry reassures him, grabbing Louis hand from the steering wheel and intertwining them, smiling at the warmth.

"I hope." Louis laughs slightly, gripping Harrys hand firmly, rubbing his kicky with his thumb sweetly. "We're almost home, just to let you know." He brings Harrys' hand up to his lips and kisses his knuckles three times, causing Harry to flush a bright red, his body suddenly warm.

Harry doesn't say anything back, just letting his head rest on the seat, closing his eyes and sighing rather loudly. "You're going to give it a second try right? And without any interruptions." Harry questions.

"Lunch with your mum? Yeah, I'll give it another try." Louis smiles genuinely, pulling into his house after he presses the buzzers and tells his maids that it's him.

After he's parked, he quickly gets out of his car, jogging over to Harrys side before Harry can open it for himself, swinging it open with a smirk played on his lips. The green eyed boy gets out of the car with wobbly knees, latching onto Louis' biceps for support because his feet are asleep.

Louis chuckles and instead of Harry leaning on him while they walk inside, he loops his arms around the back of Harrys thighs and picks him up bridal style, clearly hearing the squeak that comes out of Harrys precious but dirty little mouth.

Harry hides his face into Louis neck, inhaling his scent that smells like a mixture of apples and cinnamon—such a good combination. The curly haired boy exhales loudly, his warm puff of air landing on Louis' golden skin, making Louis shiver.

Suddenly, Harrys' eyes start to droop, not doing anything about it because he knows he was going to be tired sooner or later. He closes his eyes and listens to Louis going up the stairs, maids in the back round talking and having a laugh.

He feels his body being gently placed on the soft bed, Louis hugging him from behind, having warmth radiate off of them. Harry feels lips on his forehead, hearing "I love you, princess" before he falls asleep.

NOTE: i know harry can be problematic sometimes but it's all apart of the story so please bare with me.

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