Chapter 31 - lunch with anne

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"Harry!" A woman — Louis assumes its Harrys' mother — exclaims when she opens the door, pulling in the green eyed boy for a very long and loving hug.

"Mum." Harry laughs into the embrace, closing his eyes and rubbing her back slowly and reassuringly, loving the apple scent she carries with her.

"Oh my, look at you! So handsome." She gushed, pulling back and taking in her sons appearance, her beautiful face filled with so much joy.

Harry blushes at the compliment, making Louis internally coo at his baby. "Mum, this is Louis Tomlinson, my boyfriend."

Harry steps out of the way so Louis is shown, awkwardly standing there with his arms crossed.

"You're even more stunning in person." Annes' eyes are wide, staring at Louis as if he is some precious jewel.

"Sorry?" Louis is confused. Where has she seen Louis before?

"I see your photoshoots in the magazines I read." She explains, suddenly pulling in Louis for a hug.

The blue eyed boy is quick to wrap his arms around Harrys' mum, his eyes trailing off to Harry who is watching them with such heart eyes.

"It's nice to finally meet you too, Ms. Cox." Louis smiles, letting go from the hug.

"Please, call me Anne." She smiles, patting his shoulder. "Come in!"

Louis steps in the warm, welcoming house, walking over to Harry who's already made himself at home — even though it is his home —, sitting on the couch.

As Louis sits, Anne yells from the kitchen.

"The food will be done in a couple minutes! Just watch the telly and enjoy yourselves!"

Louis chuckles, turning to Harry who is already looking at him. "Your mum is nice." He tells him, watching as the boy smiles widely and presses a quick kiss to his cheek.

"She already seems to love you." Harry mentions truthfully, playing with Louis' small but thick fingers.

"That's good then, I didn't want your mum to hate me." Louis smiles down at Harry, resting his head atop his princesses curly hair.

"We both know that would've never happened, you're irresistible —"

"The food is ready!" Anne suddenly calls out, interrupting Harry from going on, but Louis already knew where he was heading.

"C'mon, doll," Louis gets up, holding out a hand for Harry to use as support when he stands up. "Let's go and eat your mothers delicious meal."

They walk in the medium sized dining room, hand and hand, making Anne gush and telling them to stay still because she needed to get her camera.

Harry groans, but Anne just shushes him, running out and up the stairs to her room.

"Be a good boy." Louis whispers into Harrys' ear before Anne comes back, causing the younger boy to get goosebumps, Louis smirking when he sees them.

"I'm back!" Anne cries out while running inside the dining room, panting and holding up a pricey camera. "Get back in your poses."

So, Louis grabs Harry by surprise and kisses him, holding his waist firmly and getting on his tippy toes slightly.

Anne screams, fumbling when her camera like a maniac, trying to get the right angle for the right picture.

They hear multiple snaps, but they're too caught up in the marvelous kiss to even pull away and apologize for the large amount of pda.

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