Chapter 14 - you're cute

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"Hello, mum!" Harry cheerfully speaks into the phone.

"Hi, dear. Its been a while since we've talked, hasn't it?" Anne smiles from the other line.

"Yes. I miss you. We should catch up sometime . . ." Harry trails off and smiles down at his bed sheets, remembering what happened last night.

"We should," Anne declares. "How's the bidding work thing coming along?"

"They haven't called me up in days! But, it's no big deal. I'm spending time with my boyfriend." Harry giggles and Anne gasps.

"Is that why Niall has told me that you don't come back to your flat anymore?" she teases.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot about him!" Harry squeaks. "I should probably go check on him today."

"You should. And while you're at it, go find a new job, please. Somehow I don't like the idea that my son his getting sold to people." Anne tells him softly, trying not to make him angry.

"I was going to anyways . . . I don't think Louis would approve anymore." Harry whispers, not wanting Louis to hear that him and his mum are talking about him.

"Your boyfriend?"

"Yeah," Harry blushes and smiles. He hears the bathroom door open and watches as Louis steps out, his towel hanging lowly on his waist. "I have to go now, mum. I love you, bye." Harry hangs up without letting Anne say anything.

"Talk to your mum?" Louis questions as he pulls on a new pair of boxers and looks himself in the mirror, fixing his wet hair.

"Mhm, she wants me to get a new job." Harry picks at the white bed sheets. He is suddenly pushed on his back while watching Louis crawl on top of him.

"I agree." Louis hums and kisses Harrys' bare chest.

Harry closes his eyes and throws his head back, biting his pink, bottom lip.

"N-not right now." Harry pushes Louis back, getting up.

Louis huffs and playfully sticks out his bottom lip, cuddling against Harrys' side.

"You're my boyfriend, right?" Harry asks cautiously.

Louis looks up at Harry, "Technically."

"I have a question . . ." The young boy asks and Louis nods. "So, what made you be in this life style of yours?"

Louis purses his lips but answers anyways. "When I was around your age- which was not that long ago- I had a friend named Nick. He introduced me to his BDSM lifestyle of his. I was new to everything but he was a pretty good dominant, if I shall admit. After two years of being his submissive, I felt like something just wasn't right. Someone from my photoshoot was flirting with me and I flirted back- even though it was against the rules. I ended up fucking him in the stalls and that's when I realized that I wanted to be in control too."

"So, I told Nick what happened and of course he wasn't pleased with it. But in the end, we just broke it off somehow." Louis explained and Harry seemed to be listening by the way his would stare at the older man.

"Are you still friends with him?" Harry tilts his head.

"We talk often, yes." Louis answers and Harry can't help but feel the slight pang of jealousy.

How could he not? The man who Louis was once in a relationship with, is still his friend to this day.

"Oh." Is all Harry can muster up, not dating to look into Louis' beautiful blue eyes.

Louis reaches up and tilts Harrys' chin to make him look at him.

"I don't like him anymore," Louis reassures. "All my feelings belong to a gorgeous boy now."

Harry blushed and smiles sheepishly, looking down at the handsome man.

"You look cute when you blush." Louis compliments.

"Hey! I'm not cute. I'm manly." Harry puffs out his chest.

"Of course, my bad. My cute, manly boy." Louis chuckles.

"It's not much better but I'll take it!" Harry remembers what he was going to do today. "Oh, and can I go back to Niall and I's flat to check on him? Haven't seen that arse for a while."

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I have a photoshoot all of today and tomorrow, so you can have some time with him." Louis stretches his limbs when he stands up. Apparently, when you stand up to quickly from laying down you get dizzy, so Louis falls right back down on the bed.

Harry giggles and puts his black skinny jeans on, along with his white t-shirt.

"You're cute when you giggle too." Louis smiles fondly at Harry, his eyes twinkling and Harry throws a pillow at him.


"My apologies, you're cute and manly when you giggle too." Louis corrects himself and Harry kissing him on the cheek.

"Much better."


hello guys. i wanted to make this chapter a little more cuter than the others, if you don't mind.

and . . . i have bad news.

I'm going on a trip to California next Saturday. :( and if some of you have already catches on with my updating schedule, i update every sunday. so, i won't be able to update next week :(((((

sorry babes. I'll miss you !! xx

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